
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Jolly Pumpkin Bam Biere

Jolly Pumpkin Bam Biere, Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales, Dexter, MI
(Saison, Rated 97)

Cloudy golden pour with a thick white head and sour aroma. Taste is complex sourness that tart in the beginning and tart at the finish. Don't get me wrong, the sourness isn't overwhelming. It's smooth. If you are a fan of sour beers, try this one.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Autumnation, Sixpoint Brewery, Brooklyn, NY

Sixpoint's first seasonal brew. Pours an amber, copper color. Aroma combines roasted pumpkin and hops. I had this both from the tap at Sugar Maple, one of my favorite craft beer destinations, as well as from a can, and, as a fellow beer lover pointed out, you can taste more of the pumpkin from the barrel than the can. Has a nice roasted malt finish that isn't dry. As with most of Sixpoint's beer, this one is different, but really good!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Old Foghorn Ale

Old Foghorn Ale, Anchor Brewing Company, San Francisco, CA
(Barley Wine, Rated 99)

I love barley wine beer. Rich, fruity, caramel aromas. Fruity tart taste with raisins. Not overly bitter. Long finish making the flavors last.

Bourbon County Brand Stout

Bourbon County Brand Stout, Goose Island Beer Company, Chicago, IL

Amazing beer! I first had this one on tap at a bar in downtown Milwaukee and was excited to hear they were bottling and releasing a limited quantity. Bourbon barreled beer is pretty awesome most of the time. This one is a really good example from one of my favorite breweries. The bourbon does overpower the beer a little, but I can get past that. Great sweet chocolate and coffee and bourbon aroma. The same sweetness comes through in the taste, followed by the warming of the bourbon. 15% abv.

Righteous Ale

Righteous Ale, Sixpoint Brewery, Brooklyn, NY
(Specialty Grain, Rated 94)

Sixpoint has quickly become one of my favorite breweries and all of their beer comes in cans too. Spicy rye and piney aroma. Roasted rye and citrus hop flavor with some sweet malt. The hops seem so fresh. Great beer!

Blue Moon Caramel Apple-Spiced Ale

Blue Moon Caramel Apple-Spiced Ale, Coors Brewing Company, Golden, CO

Not sure what I was expecting here, but I was disappointed. There wasn't much difference between this beer and Blue Moon's Harvest Moon Pumpkin Ale. Good spices but it lost me after that. Where's the apple?

Bobo's Robust Porter

Bobo's Robust Porter, Big Sky Brewing Company, Missoula, MT
(Porter, Rated 97)

Another amazing porter! Nice roasted malt and chocolate aroma. Taste is much the same. Smooth and creamy with a dark malty finish.

Mud Puppy Porter

Mud Puppy Porter, Central Waters Brewing Company, Amherst, WI
(Porter, Rated 90)

Typical dark muddy pour of a porter. Sweet malty aroma. Robust flavor featuring chocolate and coffee. A favorite from Central Waters.

Silk Porter

 Silk Porter, Hoppin' Frog Brewery, Akron, OH
(Porter, Rated 97)

Dark pour with a chocolate malt aroma. Taste is of roasted malts, caramel, chocolate and coffee. Very smooth with a lingering chocolate finish. Excellent porter!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Oktoberfest, Great Lakes Brewing Company, Cleveland, OH

As if there aren't enough Oktoberfest options this time of year, here is another. Pours an amber color. Aromas of bready sweetness and malt. Smooth drinker. Malty taste with hints of fruit and nut.

Erdinger Hefe-Weizen

Erdinger Hefe-Weizen, Erdinger Weissbrau, Erding, Germany

My brother sent me this one. Yeah, he mailed me two. He fell in love with this beer when he was stationed in Germany and recently ordered a case. It pours a hazy, golden, yellow with a thick fluffy head. You can smell the yeast and citrus.'s a German Hefeweizen alright. Taste is of grainy sweetness. It's smooth. A good hefeweizen. About what I expect from Germany.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Autumnfest, Weyerbacher Brewing Company, Easton, PA

Light malty and spicy aroma. Flavor is similar...light roasted malts and nuts. A typical oktoberfest.


O-toberfest, Oso Brewing Company, Plover, WI

Cheers to October with this German-style marzen! Nice dark, auburn pour with roasted malt aromas. Malty flavor is rich, hearty, and crisp.