
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tramp Stamp

Tramp Stamp, Clown Shoes Beer, Ipswich, MA
(IPA, Rated 96)

Another impressive beer from Clown Shoes. This Belgian style IPA pours a clear, dark, golden color and has an aroma that is both a little sweet and citrus. Taste starts with citrus hops that fade to flavorful yeast and malt. Can taste a little orange peel. Very clean and balanced. Excellent beer!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Hoppy Feet Black IPA

Hoppy Feet Black IPA, Clown Shoes Beer, Ipswich, MA
(Black IPA, Rated 95)

Nice dark pour as expected from a black IPA. Slightly roasted aroma with just a bit of citrus. Taste is pretty much all hops with some residual roasted malts. Lots of of hop bitterness.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday Imperial India-Style Black Ale

Black Friday Imperial India-Style Black Ale, Lakefront Brewery, Milwaukee, WI

The only line I stood in this Black Friday was the one at Lakefront Brewery, where this Milwaukee craft brewery released a one-day only Black Friday ale. The pour is dark, a little heavy, and leaves a nice light, foamy head. Aroma has dark roasted malts and citrus, almost tropical hops. Well balanced taste of the rich dark roasted malts and the hops. Not overly bitter. Very smooth for an imperial IPA. If it weren't for the fact that this beer was only available on Black Friday, I could make this a daily drinker. Bravo Lakefront!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Milk Stout Nitro

Milk Stout Nitro, Left Hand Brewing Company, Longmont, CO
(Sweet Stout, Rated 96)

Left Hand Brewing Company is the first U.S. craft brewery to bottle a nitro beer. Guinness was the first. To make this possible, Left Hand inserted a "widget" of some kind into the bottles that would add CO2 and nitrogen gases once the bottle was opened. The result is an extremely, creamy smooth sweet stout that flows like melted butter through your mouth, well maybe not as thick as butter. Nice smoky, coffee aroma. Taste is sweet, malty, with caramel and coffee. Not as sweet as some sweet stouts though. Very smooth and balanced.

Sierra Nevada Porter

Porter, Sierra Nevada Brewing Company, Chico, CA
(Porter, Rated 96)

A really good porter, this one pours dark with a creamy head that fades quickly. You can smell the roasted malts and coffee right away. Sweet tasting in the beginning with a smooth finish.

Not only did I have this one on Thanksgiving Day, I cooked my dinner with it. I used this porter to bake my turkey legs and also cooked brussels sprouts with it.  Very, very tasty!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!

Louie's Resurrection

Louie's Resurrection, Milwaukee Brewing Company, Milwaukee, WI

So how do you make my favorite beer from Milwaukee Brewing Company, Louie's Demise, better? You age it for 2 months in bourbon barrels! Even more excited that they decided to bottle this gem for the first time in 2012. Pours a nice reddish, amber color. Sweet aromas of fruit, vanilla, and malts. Excellent well-balanced tastes of sweet vanilla, caramel, and bourbon notes. Very smooth!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Burning Hamster Double IPA

Burning Hamster Double IPA, Milwaukee Ale House, Milwaukee, WI

With a name like Burning Hamster, I had to try this beer. It made me think of Monty Python. You really have to love the creative names craft breweries come up with! This double IPA is full of hops in the aroma. Very citrus and floral. The taste of hops and malts are very balanced. Lots of flavor. A very smooth beer for 8% abv.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Eau Bénite

Eau Bénite, Unibroue, Chambly, Canada
(Abbey Tripel, Rated 91)

Unibroue is one of the best things to come out of Canada. They make some incredible beer. This abbey tripel pours a hazy, golden yellow with a nice fluffy head. Light fruity, banana and some spices. Taste is full of flavors from floral to fruity with a citrus finish. Excellent!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Bourbon Barrel Doppelbock

Bourbon Barrel Doppelbock, Hinterland Brewery, Green Bay, WI

I have been looking forward to trying this barrel aged beer. The only problem was the hard, thick, wax that covered the bottle. It took a bit of chipping and finesse to be able to open this beer without breaking the glass. It was worth it. Nice dark, reddish color. Sweet malty aroma with a bourbon following. Taste follows the aroma...sweet, malty, with a very mild bourbon finish. Very drinkable, but nothing too special. I was expecting more from this one.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Hop Heathen Imperial Black Ale

Hop Heathen Imperial Black Ale, Hoppin Frog Brewery, Akron, OH
(Black IPA, Rated 99)

Nice dark pour with sweet roasted malt and chocolate aroma. Taste is like blending the dark roasted malt and chocolaty characteristics of a stout with the hop spices of an IPA. Taste a little pepper in there too.  Very delicious!


Un*Earthly, Southern Tier Brewing Company, Lakewood, NY
(Imperial/Double IPA, Rated 99)

My love for a great india pale ale is not a secret, but give me an oak-aged imperial IPA and I'm in heaven! Southern Tier has several great beers in it's portfolio. Un*Earthly is among them. Pours a clear orange-amber color. Huge aromas of sweet malts and citrus...grapefruit, lemon. Amazing hop-filled taste of orange, citrus, and malted sweetness, and a slight spicy finish and 9.5% abv.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Celebration Ale 2012

Celebration Ale 2012, Sierra Nevada Brewing Company, Chico, CA
(IPA, Rated 98)

Let's Celebrate!  Sierra Nevada delivers it's annual Celebration Ale for 2012. A fantastic fresh hopped india pale ale that pours a nice reddish amber color and boasts an aroma filled with citrus hops and malts. Taste has citrus flavors and spicy hops. A really, really, really great beer!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Unchained Series 11 Old 152 Kentucky Common

Unchained Series 11 Old 152 Kentucky Common, Summit Brewing Company, St. Paul, MN

Nice dark amber color with an earthy, grain, hop aroma. Flavor is bread, rye, little malty, and a nice mild hop finish. A great beer!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sasquash Pumpkin Porter

Sasquash Pumpkin Porter, Milwaukee Brewing Company, Milwaukee, WI

Nice dark pour. The aroma was of roasted pumpkin, sweet potato, and spices. I thought the taste was well balanced. Taste was of roasted malts, pumpkin, nutmeg, and other spices. Very drinkable.

Witch Hunt Spiced Harvest Ale

Witch Hunt Spiced Harvest Ale, BridgePort Brewing, Portland, OR

Dark amber in color with faint aroma of cinnamon and spices. The spices are very subdued, almost nonexistent. This beer has a dry hopped characteristic. Bland, nearly tasteless finish.

Friday, November 2, 2012

BridgePort IPA

BridgePort IPA, BridgePort Brewing, Portland, OR
(IPA, Rated 93)

Golden pour with an aroma typical of an india pale ale...slightly floral and definitely citrus. Mild hoppiness and a little bready. Nothing extra ordinary, just a very good easy-drinking IPA.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Kingpin Double Red Ale

Kingpin Double Red Ale, BridgePort Brewing, Portland, OR

This one is a bit of a surprise. Pours a light red amber color. Sweet, fruity, grassy aroma. Taste is sweet toffee, fruity, with very mild citrus hop notes and subtle malts. Very mellow and easy drinking.

Thumbprint Series Enigma

Thumbprint Series Enigma, New Glarus Brewing Company, New Glarus, WI
(Sour Ale/Wild Ale, Rated 99)

New Glarus' Thumbprint Series has produced some fine beer. This sour ale is among them. Pour s reddish amber, almost like cranberry juice. Brewed with malted barley and cherries. The aroma is of tart cherries. The taste is also tart cherry with subtle sweetness and very clean. The sourness isn't overwhelming either.