
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Blackout Stout

Blackout Stout, Great Lakes Brewing Company, Cleveland, OH
(Imperial Stout, Rated 99)
In a conversation with a friend recently, we talked about how the world is a song. So if I had to pick a song for this beer, it just might be "Blackout" from the Scorpions..."Blackout, I really had a blackout." Fitting I think, especially after reading where the name came from.  Keeping with my dark beer trend this Winter, this imperial stout pours midnight black. Aroma has rich coffee with chocolate notes. Aroma carries into the taste...roasted malts, coffee, chocolate, and a nice bittersweet finish.

Mocha Porter

Mocha Porter, Rogue Ales, Newport, OR
(Porter, Rated 95)
Here's another brewery that puts out some really good, quality beer. Rogue, the makers of Dead Guy Ale (one of my favorites), haven't disappointed. This porter pours a very dark brown with a light tan head. Aroma of coffee and chocolate, like a stout. Taste opens smooth with roasted malts, chocolate, with a slightly hop finish. Nicely balanced yet big at 8.2% abv.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hopslam Ale

Hopslam Ale, Bells Brewery, Kalamazoo, MI
(Imperial/Double IPA, Rated 100)
This is my absolute favorite beer from Bells Brewery. I love IPAs and this is a fantastic example of an imperial/double IPA. Brewed with six different hops. Pours a nice golden yellow with a white foamy head. Aroma is a great blend of grapefruit, citrus, and floral notes. A little earthy aroma in there as well. Taste is citrus hops, sweet and not overpowering. Extremely well balanced. Cannot tell that this beer is an imperial IPA at 10% abv.  Amazing!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Lakefront 25th Anniversary Series

Lakefront 25th Anniversary Series

To commemorate and celebrate their 25th year, Lakefront Brewery from right here in Milwaukee, WI, will release 4 special beers. The first beer was released on the brewery's actual birthday, December 2nd.

25th Anniversary Series #1: Imperial Stout, Lakefront Brewery, Milwaukee, WI
(Imperial Stout, Rated 97)
What a way to start this 4-beer series. This imperial stout pours pitch black. Aroma hits you with cocoa and cherries. Full creamy body with a robust flavor that starts with the cocoa, followed by the cherries, and finishing with a touch of vanilla and finally a bit of roasted coffee. So very smooth.  A really excellent stout!

25th Anniversary Series #2: Belgian-Style Apricot Ale, Lakefront Brewery, Milwaukee, WI
(Fruit Beer)
The second of the 25th Anniversary beers pours a nice golden, orange. Has a nice fruity, apricot, wheat aroma. Taste has an apricot sweetness mixed with a mild hop spice and a slight tart finish. The Belgian qualities are evident. Very smooth, refreshing, and delicious! This one could be a definite Summer drinker!

25th Anniversary Series #3: Imperial Pumpkin, Lakefront Brewery, Milwaukee, WI
When I heard that the third beer in Lakefront's 25th Anniversary series was going to be an Imperial Pumpkin, I was excited. Lakefront's Pumpkin Ale is one of their most popular seasonals and one of the better pumpkin beers that I've had. So what did they do? They took their pumpkin ale, added additional spices and vanilla, then aged it in brandy barrels. This beer pours a dark orange. The aroma is spicy, caramel sweet, with a subtle notion of the brandy. The taste is spicy, sweet pumpkin pie with cinnamon and nutmeg that is followed by vanilla sweetness and finishes with a nice brandy warming. This is my first pumpkin beer this season and already going to be tough to beat. Amazing!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Thumbprint Series Winter Warmer

Thumbprint Series Winter Warmer, New Glarus Brewing Company, New Glarus, WI 
This scotch ale from New Glarus' Thumbprint Series pours an amber-orange color with no head. Sweet aroma of caramel, toffee, and some malts. Flavorful taste with toasted malts, toffee, little bit of belgian yeast, and some tangy floral hops at the finish. Not my favorite from this series, but definitely a Winter Warmer.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale

Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale, Lexington Brewing Company, Lexington, KY 
Pours a clear copper color. Not much to the aroma. A vanilla aroma with very slight hints of bourbon. Taste is sweet and fairly bland for a bourbon barrel beer. Where's the bourbon?

Monday, January 14, 2013

Fascist Pig Ale

Fascist Pig Ale, Finch's Beer Company, Chicago, IL 
Though classified as an American Strong Ale, this one has red ale characteristics. Pours a reddish, brown color with little head. Strong malty aroma that is both sweet and hoppy. Taste is sweet up front with strong malts at the end. Some citrus hops in there as well rye.

Secret Stache Stout

Secret Stache Stout, Finch's Beer Company, Chicago, IL
(Stout, Rated 97)
For me, dark beers are in order this time of year and this one is an extremely dark brown stout with a coffee-colored head. Aroma is mild and has notes of milk chocolate and roasted coffee. Taste is very smooth and creamy with vanilla, chocolate, coffee, and some roasted malts. It has a finish that is sweet and lasts. Amazing stout!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

O-Gii Imperial Wit

O-Gii Imperial Wit, Milwaukee Brewing Company, Milwaukee, WI 
A collaboration between Milwaukee Brewing Company and Milwaukee's own Rishi Tea, this beer infuses oriental tea into wheat beer, and it's a big beer too at 9.2% abv.  9.2% and in a can?? That's what I'm talking about. O-Gii is definitely one of my favorites from this brewery. Pours a cloudy orange with a nice white, foamy head. Aroma has the citrus you would find in a wheat beer along with a light, grassy note. Taste has some lemon, tropical fruits, ginger, and some spices on the finish. Bold flavor. Light finish. Hides the alcohol well. Delicious!!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hopothesis IPA

Hopothesis IPA, Hopothesis Brewing Company, Chicago, IL 
I've been going strong with the dark beer lately, I nearly forgot how much I like IPA. This one is just an average IPA, but it's good nonetheless. A cloudy dark orange pour. Aroma has some fruit and breadiness like a Belgian. Taste of fruits, definitely citrus, and some sweeter fruits. Not a ton of hops. Smooth and sweet up front with the mild hop bitterness in the finish.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Big Eddy Russian Imperial Stout

Big Eddy Russian Imperial Stout, Leinenkugel Brewing Company, Chippewa Falls, WI
(Imperial Stout, Rated 99)
The extremely dark beer is full of body and flavor. Excellent aroma of sweet roasted malts, dark fruits, and syrup or molasses. So very smooth for an imperial stout. Taste is complex with roasted malts, sweet dark fruit and molasses, and some hop bitterness. A warmer at 9.5% abv. Delicious beer!

Fade to Black Volume 4: Rocky Mountain Black Ale

Fade to Black Volume 4: Rocky Mountain Black Ale, Left Hand Brewing Company, Longmont, CO
(Black IPA, Rated 94)
Nice deep black pour with an off white head. Roasted malt and citrus hop aroma. Taste is sweet roasted malts up front that gives way to mild hop bitterness. Dry finish made me want more. I think I liked Volume 3 better.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Coffee Stout

Coffee Stout, New Glarus Brewing Company, New Glarus, WI
(Sweet Stout, Rated 96)
Nice dark brown pour with a thick, foamy head. Sweet coffee aroma with roasted malts. Rich coffee taste with very subtle bitterness. Very well-balanced. Extremely smooth. Another amazing beer from an amazing brewery!  I wish my friends outside of Wisconsin could enjoy this brewery like I can.  I guess you'll have to come and visit.  Cheers!

The Devil Made Me Do It! Coffee Imperial Oatmeal Porter

The Devil Made Me Do It! Coffee Imperial Oatmeal Porter , Tyranena Brewing, Lake Mills, WI
(Imperial/Strong Porter, Rated 100)
From Tyranena's Brewers Gone Wild! Series, a series of big, bold, ballsy beers. That's just what this one is. Nice dark, brown pour with a slight tan head. Looks like a rich stout resting in the glass. First pass under the nose reveals an intense coffee aroma with subtle chocolate notes. Taste is roasted dark coffee, bit of chocolate, oatmeal, and some vanilla creaminess with a slight bitter finish. Creamy and smooth. Amazing porter!


Diesel, Sixpoint Brewery, Brooklyn, NY
(Stout, Rated 92)
Characterized as a stout, but like everything else Sixpoint does, this beer doesn't follow labels. Definitely part stout, part black IPA, and completely amazing. Nice dark, rich pour with a tan head. Roasted malt aroma with faint piney hops. Taste starts on the bitter side, smooths out with some chocolate and coffee notes, and finishes with more hop goodness.

I discovered Sixpoint Brewery less than a year ago and they have quickly become one of my favorite breweries. I love that every beer they make breaks molds and bucks trends.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Admiral Stache

Admiral Stache, Milwaukee Brewing Company, Milwaukee, WI 
This Winter seasonal pours a dark, rich color. It has a sweet, malty, aroma with some dark fruit. Taste of dark roasted malt, raisins, chocolate Not much bourbon though. Milky smooth finish.