
Thursday, February 28, 2013

12 Barley Wines

Barley wine is a 200-plus year old beer style that originated in England and only introduced to America in the 1970s. It is called barley wine because it has characteristics of wine such as alcohol strength, smell, and even taste, but since it is brewed with grains and not grapes, it is in fact a beer. I mentioned the higher alcohol content and that can be anywhere from 8 to 12% or higher. English versions tend to be traditionally less hoppy and less bitter, while American versions can be very hoppy and bitter and some even introduce barrel aging. It's definitely a complex and intense beer and can range from fruity and sometimes sweet to sometimes bitter. The barley wine style has become a favorite of mine. I don't know that a lot of breweries brew this style of beer. Some make it a seasonal while others brew it once in a while as part of a special series. Maybe this is because of its complexity. I actually think this is a great beer to introduce to those friends who are strictly wine lovers and say they don't like beer. Give it a try, you just might like it.

I've been doing a series of themed lists where I sample and introduce at least 12 of a particular beer, depending on the theme. Let me present to you my most recent themed list. If you haven't figured it out yet, here are...

12 Barley Wines

Whole Hog Barleywine Style Ale

Whole Hog Barleywine Style Ale, Stevens Point Brewery, Stevens Point, WI 
Commercially described as an English barley wine, this one has a deep reddish, purple pour. Aroma of dark fruits, plums, raisins, some caramel sweetness, and a bit of an earthy quality. Taste is roasty, a little bitter, but not a lot of sweetness. The alcohol (10.2%) is warming at the finish.

Thumbprint Series Barley Wine

Thumbprint Series Barley Wine, New Glarus Brewing Company, New Glarus, WI
(Barley Wine, Rated 97)
Nice hazy, bright orange pour with a light head. Aroma has a definite citrus tone to it with some sweet orange and caramel. Taste hits you with sweet malts, strong citrus hops, followed by lightly bitter finish. This one hides the alcohol well. You would never know it is a 12% abv beer. Another fantastic offering from one of my favorite Wisconsin breweries!

Blithering Idiot

Blithering Idiot, Weyerbacher Brewing Company, Easton, PA
(Barley Wine, Rated 96)
Three barley wines in and each with a distinctly different color. This one pours more of a dark, rosy, amber and clear. Aroma is more fruity and sweet from dark fruits and raisins. Sweetness in the taste as well as light maltiness and lightly bitter. Nothing overpowering. A very smooth drinker with a warming finish at 11.1% abv.

Noir Black Belgian Barleywine

Noir Black Belgian Barleywine, Sand Creek Brewing Company, Black River Falls, WI
(Barley Wine, Rated 96)
A different take on the barley wine style. A dark black/mahogany pour with a creamy brown head. Aroma has licorice, sweet malts, and a hint of citrus. Taste of dark, roasted malts, molasses, and sweet dark fruit. Smooth up front with a lightly bitter, hop finish. Excellent barley wine!

Brewers Reserve Bourbon Barrel Kosmyk Charlie's Y2K Catastrophe Ale 2012

Brewers Reserve Bourbon Barrel Kosmyk Charlie's Y2K Catastrophe Ale, Central Waters Brewing Company, Amherst, WI
(Barley Wine, Rated 99)

Dark ruby pour. Nice aroma of caramel, dark sweet fruits, roasted malts, and bourbon. Taste welcomes you with caramel sweetness, malts, fruit, an earthy quality, and a nice bourbon warming to the finish. Very well balanced! Very nice barley wine!

Bigfoot Ale 2013

Bigfoot Ale, Sierra Nevada Brewing Company, Chico, CA
(Barley Wine, Rated 99)
Nice red amber pour. Hoppy aroma with malts, and dark fruit. Taste is of strong hops in the beginning followed by a lot of malts. Rich blending of raisin and toffee flavors. The after taste is amazing. Extremely well balanced and delicious!

Pugsley Signature Series: Barley Wine

Pugsley Signature Series: Barley Wine, Shipyard Brewing Company, Portland, ME 
Dark, reddish-brown pour with a light flaky head. Aroma is malty, some fruit sweetness, and alcohol (8.5% abv). Taste is a complex mix of malts and hops with an earthy quality. Not a lot of flavor like I like my barley wines. I've definitely had better.

Altus Gravitas

Altus Gravitas, Finch's Beer Company, Chicago, IL 
This one pours a burnt orange, copper color. Nose is piney, citrus, and a little sweetness. Tastes of sweet malts, citrus peels, hoppy bitterness and an earthy quality. Aftertaste was a little strange. Doesn't have the barley wine qualities that I prefer. More like a malty pale ale. 9% abv.

Old Blarney Barleywine

Old Blarney Barleywine, Moylans Brewery & Restaurant, Novato, CA
(Barley Wine, Rated 97)
Getting a little better with this offering. Nice deep reddish-brown pour with a cakey white head. Aroma is subtle with sweet malts and a little nuttiness. Taste is similar with malts, some nut character, and a slightly bitter finish. Hides the 10% abv well. A nice barley wine.

Killer Penguin Barleywine

Killer Penguin Barleywine, Boulder Beer Company, Boulder, CO 
I like the name, "Killer Penguin". Wax covering adds a little something. Dark ruby red pour with a nice off-white head. Sweet malty aroma with caramel, and dark fruit. Taste is very malty but not overpowering. Has a smoothness to it. Slightly sweet, caramel, raisins, and some citrus. The alcohol is there at 10% abv. A decent, average barley wine. Something was missing for me.

Freudian Slip

Freudian Slip, Evil Twin Brewing, Copenhagen, Denmark
(Barley Wine, Rated 97)
The first international barley wine for this list and a good one too. Cloudy reddish amber pour with an off-white head. Aroma has sweet malts, caramel, and raisins. Aroma carries through in the taste. Plenty of sweet caramel, dark fruit, little bit of an earthy tone, and a light spicy hop finish. Hides the 10.3% abv well. Smooth drinker...sipper. Most of these big beers are though.

Lakefront My Turn #004 - Chad - Barley Wine Style Ale

My Turn #004 - Chad - Barley Wine Style Ale, Lakefront Brewery, Milwaukee, WI 
Just released in February 2013, just in time for me to include in this themed list. This big beer (12.5% abv) pours a dark, reddish amber. Malty aroma with caramel and dark fruit. Taste is rich with malts, caramel, toffee and a nice, boozy, warming finish. This is a fantastic barley wine!

There you have it my fellow beer lovers, 12 barley wine style beers. But if you haven't figured it out by now, then let me remind you...I never stop at twelve! Let's do a couple more...

Behemoth Barleywine

Behemoth Barleywine, Three Floyds Brewing Company, Munster, IN
(Barley Wine, Rated 100)
I absolutely saved this one to be one of the very last in this list. I have never met a Three Floyds beer that I haven't loved! Dark amber pour. Great big piney, citrus, hop aroma. Big complex and delicious flavors with a sweet full body. Kind of sounds like I'm describing a woman...oh but she's a beauty! Taste is malty, caramel sweetness, raisins, and plums, followed by big hops and finishing with a 12% alcohol warming. Absolutely fantastic!

XS Old Crustacean Barleywine 2012

XS Old Crustacean Barleywine 2012, Rogue Ales, Portland, OR
(Barley Wine, Rated 97)
I certainly saved the biggest one for last, in terms of bottle at least. This one comes in a 750ml ceramic-like bottle with a topper. At 11.5% abv, I guess they don't expect you to drink it all in one sitting. Nice red amber pour with a fluffy, off-white head. Aroma of sweet malts, dark fruit, and caramel. Big, flavorful, unfiltered taste. Caramel and toffee come through in the taste. Finishes on the boozy side. Excellent beer from Rogue!


Barley wines are a favorite style of mine. Such a different style than beers you get year round. Being a Winter seasonal, and often short run releases due to their complexity, these big beers are treats for me. Some others I've had before include: Alaskan Pilot Series: Barley Wine Ale (2011)Sam Adams Griffin's Bow Oaked Blonde Barleywine AleRye Whiskey Barrel Aged Barleywine from Delafield Brewhaus, and the one that is said to be the first barley wine brewed in America, Old Foghorn Ale. If you haven't tried a barley wine yet, I highly recommend.

These themed lists are fun. It's just as much fun to find beer for the list as it is to drink them and review them. Now to think of what my next list will be.  Until next time, Cheers my friends!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Rye da Tiger

Rye da Tiger, Three Floyds Brewing Company, Munster, IN
(Imperial/Double IPA, Rated 100) 
This imperial rye IPA pours a hazy, orange with a nice head. Aroma is hops all the way...juicy citrus, grapefruit, rye, and a bit of pine. Taste is out of this world. Take the aroma and multiply it by 10 and that's what this beer tastes like. Starts with a spicy, hop resin that is packed with flavor. Rye is more apparent in the taste. Nice bitter grapefruit finish. Amazing! Another fantastic beer from Three Floyds!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Vanilla Bean Buffalo Sweat

Vanilla Bean Buffalo Sweat, Tallgrass Brewing Company, Manhattan, KS 
I really like Tallgrass' Buffalo Sweat, so I was fairly certain I'd like this one. I was right. Pours a dark brown. Aroma of coffee, cocoa, and faint sweet vanilla. Taste is chocolaty with some roasted malts. The vanilla comes through in the finish. Very smooth and balanced. Good beer!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Stack N Stabb

Stack N Stabb, Three Floyds Brewing Company, Munster, IN 
Belgian strong ales are no joke. Packed full of flavor and normally high in alcohol. This one pours a  nice golden orange. Aroma is spicy with orange, banana, and a little earthy note. Taste is flavorful with lots of fruit, orange, lemon, banana, and that Belgian yeast. Nice spicy finish with an alcohol punch. Another great beer from Three Floyds!