
Thursday, June 27, 2013


Envy, St. Francis Brewing Company, St. Francis, WI
Orange-amber pour. Aroma is of citrus and sweet malt. Flavors of citrus malts with toasted malts. Little caramel in there. Finishes on the bitter side. A nice IPA.


Lust, St. Francis Brewing Company, St. Francis, WI
Hazy yellow pour with a nice frothy white head. Aroma is grassy and fruity. Flavors of banana and cloves that you expect from a weiss and followed by an earthy, grassy finish.


Wrath, St. Francis Brewing Company, St. Francis, WI
Also known as Archbishop Amber Ale, this one pours amber. Mild aroma with roasted malts and some caramel. Not a lot of flavor, but you can make out the malts and caramel.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Black Rose Ale

Black Rose Ale, Grays Brewing Company, Janesville, WI
This black ale pours, well, black, with a thin brown head. Aromas of roasted malts. Roasted malts come out in the taste, along with some subtle sweetness. Not very flavorful.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Really Cool Waterslides IPA

Really Cool Waterslides IPA, 3 Sheeps Brewing Company, Sheboygan, WI 
Orange-amber pour. Aroma is pine, citrus, and a sweet caramel hint. Taste starts sweet followed by  nicely bitter hop tone. Resiny and citrus. Has a mellow finish.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Rogue Farms OREgasmic Ale

Rogue Farms OREgasmic Ale, Rogue Ales, Newport, OR
(American Pale Ale, Rated 92)
Nice orange-amber pour with a thick foamy head. Sweet malty aroma. Taste starts with little hop spice followed by malty sweetness. Great balance of the sweet malts and the bitterness from the citrus. Smooth finish that's a bit fruity. I felt it hid the 7% abv well. Excellent beer!!

Monday, June 10, 2013


Hell, Surly Brewing Company, Brooklyn Center, MN 
This offering from Surly pours a clear, straw-yellow color with a small white head. Mild aromas of grain and yeast. Has a bread-like flavor that is earthy and mild. Though not a favorite style of mine, this is a refreshingly, easy drinker.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Furious, Surly Brewing Company, Brooklyn Center, MN
(IPA, Rated 100)
Dark copper in color. Piney, grapefruit, and sweet aroma. Taste is citrus, pine, some caramel, and a malt finish. Excellent hop-to-malt balance. Extremely smooth and refreshingly fruity. Delicious! Outstanding IPA!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Coffee Bender

Coffee Bender, Surly Brewing Company, Brooklyn Center, MN
(Brown Ale, Rated 98)
How do you make Surly's Bender better?  You add in a cold-press coffee-brewing process. Dark brown pour. Immense aromas of black coffee with light notes of caramel, chocolate, and roasted malt. Mostly coffee though. Taste brings the same strong, cold, black coffee. Full mouth-feel. Starts sweet then a tad bitter. Smooth finish. Another easy drinker. Coffee lovers need to try this one.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Bender, Surly Brewing Company, Brooklyn Center, MN
(Brown Ale, Rated 97)
Nice dark brown pour for this brown ale. Aromas of chocolate, coffee, and nuttiness. Smooth mouthfeel. Coffee, chocolate, and oatmeal come through in the taste. Starts off sweet and finishes a little on the bitter side. A really solid brown ale.