
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Czar Brew Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout

Czar Brew Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout
Jet black pour with a thin, dark chocolate head. Aroma of molasses, roasted malts, and bourbon. Taste has some chocolate, coffee, sweetness from the dark fruit, and then a dark roasted malty bitter finish. Bourbon is fairly prominent. Only 9% abv. Not the best bourbon barrel aged stout I've had.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Plum Noir (Blackwater Series)

Plum Noir, Southern Tier Brewing Company, Lakewood, NY
(Imperial/Strong Porter, Rated 94)
Black pour with a small tan head. Sweet, roasted malt aroma with just a hint of the plums. Similar roasted malt flavor with coffee and a faint boozy bitterness at the finish. The plums are very subtle. Not a bad beer, but the plums weren't as prominent as I'd hoped. I also expected this to be a bit stronger for an imperial porter.