
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fall Hornin' Pumpkin Ale

Fall Hornin' Pumpkin Ale, Anderson Valley Brewing Company, Boonville, CA
This Fall season pours a deep copper, brown with a thick off-white head. Aroma is strong with pumpkin spices. cloves, nutmeg. cinnamon, and caramel. Taste is not as strong as the aroma. Definitely more subtle and smooth. Pumpkin spices and sweet malts come through. A nice creamy mouthfeel. A good pumpkin ale.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bark Bite IPA

Bark Bite IPA, Big Wood Brewery, White Bear Lake, MN
Golden pour with a white head. Piney, resin aroma with citrus hops. Tastes of sticky pine, some grapefruit, malts, and an earthy quality. Finishes a touch on the bitter side, but at least finishes with flavor. An average india pale ale.

Jack Pine Savage

Jack Pine Savage, Big Wood Brewery, White Bear Lake, MN
(American Pale Ale)
On day one of the 2013 MLB World Series, I've decided to go with a new brewery for me, Big Wood Brewery, in hopes the Boston Red Sox bats awaken tonight. This american pale ale pours a light golden color with a foamy, white head. Aroma is earthy and pine, but not overpowering. Taste is tangy, light hops, with a little bit of sweet malts but a watery, bland finish.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Lakefront My Turn #005 - Chris - Maple Vanilla Doppelbock Lager

Lakefront My Turn #5 - Chris - Maple Vanilla Doppelbock Lager, Lakefront Brewery, Milwaukee, WI
Lakefront's My Turn Series showcases one-off beers brewed by each of its brewers. Chris' doppelbock pours a clear, brown with a foamy, tan head. Sweet aromas of maple, vanilla, and malts. Taste is a pretty great mixture of sweetness with vanilla, caramel, and hints of maple. Full bodies and creamy.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Alaskan Pilot Series: Pumpkin Porter

Alaskan Pilot Series: Pumpkin Porter, Alaskan Brewing Company, Juneau, AK
I haven't had many pumpkin beers yet this year. This one pours pitch black with an off-white head. Great spicy, pumpkin aroma with vanilla. Tastes of pumpkin, spices, roasted malts, and brown sugar sweetness. Modest and subtle, but full of flavor. Great pumpkin beer!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

24 American Microbreweries Every Beer Lover Should Know

24 American Microbreweries Every Beer Lover Should Know

There's a few of these microbreweries that I'm quite familiar with. In fact, Three Floyds Brewing (Munster, IN), Tallgrass Brewing Company (Manhattan, KS), and Sixpoint Brewery (Brooklyn, NY) are three of my favorites. I'll be on the lookout for the others. Excuse me...I have work to do.