
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Palate Wrecker

Palate Wrecker, Green Flash Brewing Company, San Diego, CA
(Imperial/Double IPA, Rated 99)
One of the most complex double IPAs I've had. Pours a golden orange with a nice white head. Nice lacing on the glass. Pungent aromas of pine, floral, citrus, and a little caramel sweetness. Taste is sticky resin, malted sweetness, and an abundance of tangy, hop bitterness. A powerhouse of flavors from beginning to end. Even with all that flavor, this beer is well balanced with a juicy finish. The name suits this beer as it will destroy any previous flavors you've had before this one. Better check it before you wreck it! Outstanding IIPA!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


DirtWolf, Victory Brewing Company, Downington, PA
(Imperial/Double IPA, Rated 99)
The commercial description starts with, "Wildly assertive, intentionally untamed and dangerously satisfying..." Just those few words describe this beer well. Pours a golden orange with a light, white head. Whole lot of sweet, tropical fruit, orange, and grapefruit come across the nose. Massive hops up front that bring bitterness, sticky resin, and floral notes that make way for a juicy, fruit sweetness. Full body. Full of flavor. Dry finish. The alcohol is there at 8.7% abv. Great IIPA!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hop Odyssey Black IPA

Hop Odyssey Black IPA, Green Flash Brewing Company, San Diego, CA
(Black IPA, Rated 98)
This beauty pours nearly pitch black with a thick, lacy, beige head. Fantastic aromas of citrus, fruit, dark roasted malts, and little chocolate. Flavor is rich, full of roasted malts, floral hop bitterness, with piney resin. Extremely well balanced. Smooth finish. My love for IPAs is no secret, but black IPAs are on another level. The combination of dark roasted malts with that hop bitterness is fantastic!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Rubaeus, Founders Brewing Company, Grand Rapids, MI
(Fruit Beer, Rated 95)
Not all fruit beers are equal. Some get the aromas right, but the flavor falls flat. Some are too sweet. Others are just not good at all. Founders' Rubaeus is on par with the very best fruit beers I have tasted and definitely one of my favorites. Pours a ruby, red hue with a light, fizzy, white head. The taste dances between sweet and tart in a fantastic, well-balanced way. Not too sweet. Not too tart. Flavors of fresh raspberries abound. Nice carbonation. This one is a Summer thirst quencher...a dessert beer for picnics.

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Illinois

The Illinois, Goose Island Beer Company, Chicago, IL
(Imperial/Double IPA, Rated 97)
This beer may be brewed in and named after the state of Illinois, but, according to the commercial description, it has Wisconsin inspirations.

"Inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright's grandiose vision for a mile-high skyscraper dubbed "The Illinois", we set out to brew an Imperial IPA that would be similar in name and ambition." 

No, Wisconsin may not have mile-high skyscrapers, but it is the birthplace of Frank Lloyd Wright. We can talk about that later. Let's talk about this beer. Fantastic clear golden pour with a nice, full, white, head. Sweet, piney aroma with light, citrus notes. Taste is citrus hops up front that give way to resin, pine, and a mild bitterness that tingles the tongue. Has a malty finish. Clean and crisp. You'd never guess this was a 9% abv IIPA. Excellent!