
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Lakefront My Turn #007 - John - Dark Lager with Cherries

Lakefront My Turn #007 - John - Dark Lager with Cherries, Lakefront Brewery, Milwaukee, WI
(Fruit Beer)
My Turn #007 pours a dark, reddish-brown with a thick tan head. Aromas of malts, sweet caramel, and tart cherries in the nose. Flavor is smooth up front with sweet grains and malts followed by a nice cherry flavor and finishing with cherry tartness on the tongue. Little sweet, little sour, but very smooth. Cherry flavor lingers.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Kilt Lifter Scotch Ale

Kilt Lifter Scotch Ale, Moylan's Brewery and Restaurant, Novato, CA
(Scotch Ale)
Moving through my queue and came across this scotch ale. Pours a dark reddish-amber with a smalle off-white head. Aroma is light...faint...sweet caramel malt, some toffee, and a bit of an earthy note. Taste is sweet, malty, little nutty. Not detecting any smokey character. Light body with a semi-dry finish. Not bad, but I've had better.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Thumbprint Series Berliner Weiss

Thumbprint Series Berliner Weiss, New Glarus Brewing Company, New Glarus, WI
(Berliner Weisse, Rated 99)
Another fantastic beer from New Glarus' Thumbprint Series. This one pours a clear, straw-colored, yellow with a big, pillowy, white head. The aroma is lemons, Belgian yeast funk, and cider tartness. True to the style, this beer has light lemon tartness, little sour green apple, and some acidic floral notes. Very clean and crisp with some sharp carbonation. At 3% abv this is a great Summer drinker! Amazing beer!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Hoppy Feet 1.5 Double Black IPA

Hoppy Feet 1.5 Double Black IPA, Clown Shoes Beer, Ipswich, MA
(Black IPA, Rated 99)
You know what they say about big feet, right?  Big beer! This beauty pours a dark, mocha brown with a tan head. Fantastic aromas of dark roasted malts, dark fruit, licorice, and hops. Full of flavor! Chocolate, licorice, dark fruit, roasted malts, a little spice, pine and citrus hops...lots of hops. Well balanced and not overpowering though. Smooth on the palate. I expected a stronger alcohol presence at 10% abv. Just a little booze burn at the finish. This is one fantastic black of my favorite styles!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

NightTime Ale

NightTime Ale, Lagunitas Brewing Company, Petaluma, CA
(Black IPA, Rated 98)
Never a bad time for Lagunitas! This black IPA pours a very dark brown with a tan head. For a black IPA, this beer has everything you'd expect. Aromas of dark roasted malts, piney hops, black licorice sweetness. Resiny hops jump out at first taste followed closely by some intense spice. Dark roasted malt and a bit of sweetness at the finish. Very well-balanced and smooth with an 8.6% kicker, An amazing representation of the style. Cheers!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Permanent Funeral

Permanent Funeral, Three Floyds Brewing Company, Munster, IN
(Imperial/Double IPA, Rated 100)
This fantastic imperial IPA from Three Floyds pours a hazy orange with a small white head. Aroma is totally juiced up with citrus fruit hops, grapefruit, and pine. Catching a little tropical mango note as well. Taste is like one giant piece of juicy fruit gum with sweet maltiness, tangerines, and sticky pine resin. Starts sweet then moves to bitter, but well balanced. The booze is there at 10.5% abv. Bright. Aromatic. Phenomenal!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Forrester Double IPA

Forrester Double IPA, Two Beers Brewing Company, Seattle, WA
(Imperial/Double IPA)
Dark orange pour with a thick, white head. Great lacing on the glass. Aromas of citrus, light grapefruit, orange, with a malty, earth note. Taste begins heavy on the citrus flavors of grapefruit and sticky pine resin. Strong bitterness and a dry finish. Not too shabby at 7.8% abv.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Single Hop Single Farm Mosaic IPA

Single Hop Single Farm Mosaic IPA, Two Beers Brewing Company, Seattle, WA
Yellow-orange pour with a frothy, white head. Great lacing on the glass. Aroma is grassy, citrus, lemon, and pine. Big hop flavors of citrus, lemon, orange that is definitely West Coast style. Nice malty finish to accentuate the hops. Delicious IPA!