
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Space Station Middle Finger

Space Station Middle Finger, Three Floyds Brewing Company, Munster, IN
(American Pale Ale, Rated 96)
Hazy orange pour with a medium, frothy white head. Amazing zesty aromas of orange, mango, citrus, and tropical fruits. The aromas come through in the taste. Tangy citrus, grapefruit, orange, and sticky resin. Great mix of sweetness and bitter. Chewy and juicy. 6% abv. Three Floyds knows how to make fantastic pale ales!

Monday, September 8, 2014

12 Rye Beers

Here's the next of my themed lists, which I review twelve rye beers. Beers in this category have rye as one of the predominant ingredients in the beer, often substituting for a portion of barley malt. A similar style is the German Roggenbier, which was a style brewed until the 15th century. The addition of rye adds a dry, spicy flavor that can also have sour characteristics. In the United States, the use of rye in beer recipes has spawned a new style called "rye PA", where brewers push the hops so they resemble pale ales and IPAs. I happen to really enjoy the complex, spicy flavors that rye adds to beers, especially to one of my favorite styles, IPAs. You'll find that most of the beers in this review are of the "rye PA" style. Still there are a few others. Without further ado, here are...

12 Rye Beers

Smitten Golden Rye Ale

Smitten Golden Rye Ale, Bells Brewery, Galesburg, MI
(American Pale Ale, Rated 88)
Hazy golden pour with a white head and nice lacing. Aromas of rye, grass, and light citrus hops. Flavor is much of the same, rye spice, an earthy tone, a bit of hop bitterness, and a malty backbone with a resin finish. Definitely more on the pale ale side of hops. At just 6% abv, a solid drinker that leaves me wanting more.

Red's Rye IPA

Red's Rye IPA, Founders Brewing Company, Grand Rapids, MI
(IPA, Rated 99)
Pours a great crimson red color. Citrus, pine, floral hop aroma with sweetness from caramel malts. Citrus and floral hops well balanced with malted rye giving this great beer a nice crisp, spicy finish. A fantastic rye IPA from Founders and one of their many favorites of mine. 6.6% abv.

Hop Kitchen #5 RyePA

Hop Kitchen #5 RyePA, New Belgium Brewing Company, Fort Collins, CO
(IPA, Rated 85)
This IPA pours a clear amber with a thick white head. Big aromas of rye and pungent, fruity hops. Flavor consists of citrus and pine hops, little tropical fruit, and resin. Has a great spicy, malty rye backbone. Bit of a bready mouthfeel. Nice balance of sweetness and hops. 7.5% abv. A really great IPA.

Fade to Black Volume 5: Black Rye Ale

Fade to Black Volume 5: Black Rye Ale, Left Hand Brewing Company, Longmont, CO
(Specialty Grain, Rated 95)
This rye ale pours a dark brown with a light, off white head. Aromas of dark, roasted coffee and subtle smokey wood. The flavors cover a varying range beginning with a nuttiness and sweet molasses. Sweet turns to spice as the rye spices come through. Bit of a dry, earthy finish. I love dark beer. This black rye ale is pretty special and it packs a 7.8% abv punch.

Rye of the Tiger

Rye of the Tiger, Great Lakes Brewing Company, Cleveland, OH
(IPA, Rated 97)
Another favorite of mine. This IPA pours a golden orange with a small white head. Fruity hop aromas with lemon and an earthy tone. Initial taste is grapefruit and rye. Rye spice isn't as harsh as some others, but it lingers throughout. 7.5% abv is masked well. Nicely balanced and a clean finish. Excellent rye beer!

Rogue Farms Roguenbier Rye

Rogue Farms Roguenbier Rye, Rogue Ales, Newport, OR
(Specialty Grain)
Pours a brownish-red with a foamy, off-white head. Aroma has spices, malt, little caramel, and some smoke. Definitely has the roasted malt flavor with a touch of caramel sweetness. Nice spicy, rye bite with a smoky flavor that lasts through the finish. Medium body and a light, dry finish. 6.6% abv.


RHYE IPA, Smuttynose Brewing Company, Portsmouth, NH
(IPA, Rated 97)
Make mine a Smutty! This beautiful IPA has a hazy, orange color with a nice, thick, white head that's long-lasting and leaves nice lacing on the glass. Nice aromas of bread, citrus, sweet grass, and some spicy, rye malt. Fantastic blend of hop flavors and spicy rye malts. Piney, citrus, little caramel sweetness, and rye spice that tingles. Well balanced. Little dry at the finish. Just 6.8% abv. A great IPA!

The Bruery RugbrΓΈd
Rugbrod, The Bruery, Placentia, CA
(Specialty Grain, Rated 94)
Rugbrod is Danish for rye bread and this offering from The Bruery fits the bill as it is brewed with three types of rye malts. Pours a dark brown with a nice, thick tan head. Aroma is spicy, sweet caramel, a bit earthy, and malty. Taste isn't far from the nose with sweet caramel, bit of dark fruit, and that nice spicy rye. The rye isn't overpowering, but appears subtly at the end. The 8% abv is hidden by the sweetness. Dry finish. A different take than the others. Amazing beer!

Rye Hatter Rye P.A.

Rye Hatter Rye P.A., New Holland Brweing Company, Holland, MI
(Specialty Grain)
Dark orange pour with a thin, white head. Aroma is sweet caramel, citrus, malty, and a bit earthy. Nice mild hop taste with rye spices. Detect a little caramel sweetness as well. Hops are not overpowering. Well balanced with lingering flavor. The rye spice tingles the tongue well after the finish.

Hebrew Bittersweet Lenny's R.I.P.A.

Hebrew Bittersweet Lenny's R.I.P.A., Shmaltz Brewing Company, Clifton Park, NY
(Imperial/Double IPA, Rated 98)
This 40th anniversary beer pours an amber color with a thin, white head. Very aromatic with strong hops, piney, and sweet malts. Excellent flavors of rye spice, resiny hops, and burnt caramel. Tons of hops and malt flavors. A palate pleaser for sure. Smooth finish for 10% abv.

Rye Dopplebock

Rye Dopplebock, Sand Creek Brewing Company, Black River Falls, WI
Deep brown pour with an off-white head. Nice, rich, full aroma of sweet caramel and malts. Flavors of molasses, dark fruits, and caramel. Spicy rye comes through in the finish. A very flavorful beer. Smooth body. Nice balance. Very enjoyable.

Rocketdog Rye IPA

Rocketdog Rye IPA, Laughing Dog Brewing Company, Ponderay, ID
(IPA, Rated 91)
This rye ipa pours a clear, golden, yellow with a thick, foamy, white head. Aromas of grapefruit, rye, floral hops, and sweet honey. Hops up front but tame. Taste is a tad bready with rye spice, citrus hops, and a malty sweet finish. Smooth and well balanced. Excellent drinker at 6.9% abv.

There you have it, twelve rye beers. Most rye beers are seasonal beers for many brewers. I'll be honest that I wasn't sure that I'd find twelve to review here, but I did. In fact, here are a few more...


2XRye, Southern Tier Brewing Company, Lakewood, NY
(Specialty grain, Rated 95)
Clear burnt orange pour with a thin white head. Nose of caramel, sweet malts, orange zest, and a rye spice background. Nice carbonation. Taste begins with spicy rye, then sweet caramel malt, finishing with a mild mix of citrus and pine bitterness. Not overly spicy. Complex and balanced at the same time. Way too easy of a drinker at 8.1% abv. Cheers!

Road Warrior

Road Warrior, Green Flash Brewing Company, San Diego, CA
(Imperial/Double IPA, Rated 98)
This is one fantastic imperial IPA! Pours a nice dark, copper color with an off-white head. Aroma is herbal, earthy, citrus hops, and rye bread. Great complex flavors of dark fruits, bitter rye spice, piney resin, and citrus hops. Full mouthfeel and delicious. Has a malty sweetness as well. Flavors are like a roller coaster through the mouth. Nice lingering alcohol burn at 9% abv. This beer surprised me a bit. Excellent!

Sour in the Rye

Sour in the Rye, The Bruery, Placentia, CA
(Sour Ale/Wild Ale, Rated 99)
Ahh the sour ale. A style of beer that has taken a little more time for me to really enjoy than others have. But let me tell you, this style of beer is nothing short of fantastic. This one pours a deep golden orange with a thin white head. Tart acidic aromas of sour cherry with a faint hint of sweet oranges. Taste is funky, sour, a blend of sour with a touch of sweet. Spice from the rye is subtle, but noticeable. Fresh lemony, sour finish. The 2014 year is 7.8% abv.

Reeb Rye'd IPA

Reeb Rye'd IPA, Oskar Blues Brewery, Longmont, CO
(Specialty Grain)
I picked up this delicious offering at an Oskar Blues tap takeover event at Ray's Growler Gallery, which is part of Ray's Liquor, one of my favorite bottle shops near where I live. Pours a hazy, golden orange with a thin white head. Nice aromas of rye spice and citrus hops. Little hint of sweetness. Taste is rye spice up front. A well-balanced mix of rye spices and citrus hops. The hops are tame to the extent that they accentuate the rye spice but do not overpower. Nice bitter, dry finish with 7% abv. An excellent rye pale ale.


Rye certainly adds some distinct and sometimes complex flavors to beer. Being a lover of IPAs, the added spicy, rye flavors to an already bitter and spicy just enhances my enjoyability. That being said, the "rye PA"s have been my favorites, though the Rye Dopplebock was very tasty. If I had to pick a #1 from this list, it has to be Green Flash's Road Warrior. Thankfully, I still have a few more of those in the fridge.

I think I say this after each and every themed list I do. These are a lot of fun. The search for the beers for the list and then drinking and reviewing each one are great. These are educational opportunities for me as I research and learn more about the distinct styles or the special ingredients used. Being a craft beer lover is like being a foodie, only with alcohol. The brewers that create these fantastic recipes are not only chefs, they are artists. I am definitely looking forward to my forthcoming adventures.

So what's next? Another pumpkin list? A second barleywine themed list? How about a pepper beer list?  Do you have any suggestions?  If you do, I'd like to hear them. Until next time, Cheers!

50 Shades of Beer

Check out this fantastic infographic from @NextDayFlyers. Get a printable version here.

50 Shades of Beer Infographic

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