
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

War Mullet

War Mullet, Three Floyds Brewing Company, Munster, IN
(Imperial/Double IPA, Rated 99)
Took one look at this one in the glass and I knew it was going to be good. Pours a cloudy orange with a nice, thick, white head. Leaves nice lacing on the glass as it dissipates. Aroma is very pungent, citrus with orange peels, grapefruit, and an earthy quality. Taste is a juicy, mouthfull of hops, oranges, and a breadiness. Delicious hop bitterness though not over the top. A fantastic double IPA!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Zarabanda, Deschutes Brewery, Bend, OR
Clear, golden-orange pour. Aroma is lemony tart, fruity, citrus, and clean. Taste is lemon citrus, zesty, little tartness, and a little peppery spice. Some great savory flavors with a malt body. Crisp.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

7 Swans A Swimming

7 Swans A Swimming, The Bruery, Placentia, CA
(Abt/Quadrupel, Rated 94)
With so many holiday beers available this time of year, it's hard to try them all. This one is definitely one of my favorites. The 7th beer in The Bruery's "12 Days of Christmas" series pours a deep brown. Great aromas of banana, dark fruits, raisins, cherries, Belgian yeast, and bread. Nice rich flavors of dark fruits, brown sugar, sweet breads, and a caramel finish. Complex. Creamy. Fantastic!