
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Daisy Cutter Pale Ale

Daisy Cutter Pale Ale, Half Acre Beer Company, Chicago, IL
(American Pale Ale, Rated 99)
Among the list of outstanding pale ales out there, Daisy Cutter is among them. A West Coast pale ale from the Midwest. Golden, honey pour with a nice, thick, white head that settles into fine lacing. Aromas of fresh citrus, sticky pine resin, with an earthiness. Taste is straight up juicy. Just a touch of bitterness up front but quickly flows into nice, crisp, floral and citrus hop finish. At 5.2% abv, you can have more than one of these.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sea Monster Imperial Stout

Sea Monster Imperial Stout, Ballast Point Brewing Company, San Diego, CA
(Imperial Stout, Rated 98)
Continuing with this string of Ballast Point beers, this imperial stout pours black in color with a tan head. Aromas of roasted malts, cocoa powder, and coffee. Taste is a touch bitter up front with chocolate, dark roasted coffee, an dark malts. Full bodied and full of flavor. This 10% abv beer is dangerously drinkable.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tongue Buckler Imperial Red Ale

Tongue Buckler Imperial Red Ale, Ballast Point Brewing Company, San Diego, CA
(American Strong Ale, Rated 98)
Opening line on the bottle's side label reads "Our Tongue Buckler Imperial Red Ale doesn't pull any punches."  No it certainly does not. Ruby red pour with a quickly dissipating head. First waft through the nose reveals what the label warns, heavy, pungent, piney hop aromas. Toasted malts. Hints of citrus and caramel. Taste is lightly brown sugar sweetness that quickly gives way to an abundance of piney resin and sticky hops. Woody fresh. Toasty burnt malts. Has a lingering, over the top bitterness. with an alcohol burn at 10% abv. Reminds me of Green Flash Brewing's Palate Wrecker.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Victory at Sea

Victory at Sea, Ballast Point Brewing Company, San Diego, CA
(Imperial/Strong Porter, Rated 100)
Holy amazing beer! Dark black pour with a thick, pillowy, mocha head that lingers. Strong aromas of black, roasted coffee, chocolate syrup, and vanilla sweetness. Taste starts with vanilla then intense roasted coffee explodes. Chocolate provides a nice background. Full and creamy. Nice 10% abv kick to go along with this amazing flavor.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Black Marlin Porter

Black Marlin Porter, Ballast Point Brewing Company, San Diego, CA
(Porter, Rated 96)
Deep brown pour with a frothy, mocha head. Decadent aromas of roasted coffee, chocolate, sweet caramel, and malt. Taste is similar. Dark roasted coffee, chocolate sweetness, and a little bit of a hoppy, bitter finish that just tingles the tongue. Medium mouthfeel. Light carbonation and drinkable at 6% abv. Really good porter here.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Dorado Double IPA

Dorado Double IPA, Ballast Point Brewing Company, San Diego, CA
(Imperial/Double IPA, Rated 99)
Clear, golden, copper pour with a white head. Aroma dominated by fruity and citrus hops. Piney with a slight earthiness. Strong, aggressive hop flavors that envelope the tongue. Piney resin and grapefruit.  Very drinkable for a beer at 10% abv. Delicious!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Sculpin IPA

Sculpin IPA, Ballast Point Brewing Company, San Diego, CA
(IPA, Rated 100)
Ballast Point only started distributing in Wisconsin about a month ago, and already WI beer geeks are raving about their beer. Sculpin IPA is just one of their beers and is a fantastic example of the style. Golden, orange pour with a nice, fluffy white head. Aroma is a nice balance of sweet malts and a bevy of citrus, grapefruit, pineapple, mango, papaya. Taste is full of citrus with a flavorful hop explosion and a malt backbone. The bitterness lasts through the finish. If you love IPAs, you need to try this one.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Night Train Blackberry

Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Night Train Blackberry, Oso Brewing Company, Plover, WI
(Imperial/Strong Porter)
 Dark, black pour. Aromas of tart blackberries, brett, fruitiness, and booze. Taste is blackberries, tart fruits, and a mild bourbon finish. Not sure what I expected from this, but I certainly expected more porter flavor. Instead I got more sour. Not as much roasted malt. Perhaps that was the plan. Very little carbonation. Definitely delicious and drinkable. This was a pleasant surprise.

**UPDATE** It's really only because this was brewed by Oso did I think that the sour taste was on purpose. Oso has a fantastic sour program. After conversations with friends and due to how I felt the following morning, this bottle was definitely infected. So while I didn't quite mind the sour from this beer, the sour didn't like me. It's a shame too.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Karma Ale

Karma Ale, Avery Brewing Company, Boulder, CO
(Belgian Ale)
Clear, orange, amber pour with no head. Sweet malty aromas, fruity, and lightly citrus. Taste is light citrus, sweet malts, and a mild bitterness. Almost a little sour. Very light, mellow, and refreshing. Dry finish.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cedar Plank Pale Ale

Cedar Plank, Green Flash Brewing Company, San Diego, CA
(American Pale Ale, Rated 91)
This hoppy pale ale pours a hazy, orange with a light, foamy, white head. Pungent aromas of malt, cedar chips, and piney hop resin. Taste is sweet, fruity hops, orange citrus, wooody from the cedar, and a good bitter finish. The cedar adds a nice spicy, peppery hint.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Red Chair NWPA

Red Chair NWPA, Deschutes Brewery, Bend, OR
(American Pale Ale, Rated 96)
Another fantastic american pale ale from Deschutes. This one pours a copper color with a white head. Aroma is faint citrus, sweet caramel, and mild earthiness. Taste is fresh, malty up front. Citrus peels and toasted malt grains. Smooth and well balanced. Nice little 6.2% abv bite.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Hop Trip

Hop Trip, Deschutes Brewery, Bend, OR
(American Pale Ale, Rated 96)
Copper pour with a thin, quickly dissipating white head. Aromas of citrus hops and sweet malt. Good biscuity, toasty malt backbone leaves way to an abundance of fresh, resiny, citrus hops.  Smooth on the palate. The bitterness lingers. Very tasty and drinkable!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

New Belgium/Perennial Artisan Ales Lips of Faith Series: Salted Belgian Chocolate Stout

Lips of Faith Series: Salted Belgian Chocolate Stout, New Belgium Brewing Company, Fort Collins, CO
(Imperial Stout, Rated 91)
Deep, black pour with a nice, finger-thick, beige head. Belgian yeast aroma, roasted malts, and nice dark chocolate.Taste is roasted malts, chocolate, and a faint hop bitterness. Little bit of a salty finish. Flavor develops as it warms in the glass. Another solid addition to the Lips of Faith series.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Sea Hag IPA

Sea Hag IPA, New England Brewing Company, Woodbridge, CT
The guy at the bottle shop I went to recommended this beer saying it was a good, popular, everyday drinker and New England's flagship. Let's see if he's right. Clear, golden pour with a white head. Aroma is fresh and inviting. Notes of citrus, herbs, with a grassy character. Very pleasant. Taste of orange peels, pine resin, and a mildly zesty finish that gives it just a little bite. Medium mouthfeel and very well balanced. Solid IPA for sure!