
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Lil One

Lil One, Maine Beer Company, Freeport, ME
(American Strong Ale, Rated 98)
Pours a clear reddish, copper. Aroma has a caramel sweetness, citrus hops, and an earthy quality. Taste is bittersweet with hops up front followed by that caramel sweetness and a sticky, resin finish. Complex flavors reminiscent of a barley wine. At 9.1% abv, this one packs a punch too.  Another fantastic beer from Maine!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Beer III

Beer III, Maine Beer Company, Freeport, ME
(Black IPA, Rated 94)
Dark brown pour with a thick, tan head. Aroma is mild citrus, roasted malts, and a touch chocolate brownie. Definitely get some chocolate in the flavor along with mild citrus hop.  Light mouthfeel with a dry finish. Easy drinker at 5.5% abv, but lacking in taste. Not my favorite from Maine.