
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Barrel Chested Barleywine Ale

Barrel Chested Barley Wine, Upland Brewing Company, Bloomington, IN
(Barley Wine, Rated 91)
Pours a deep burgundy color. Sweet aroma of molasses, light dark fruits, and just a bit buttery. Tastes of melted cherries, roasted malts, little nuttiness, and sweet caramel. Nice bourbon warming with a thin, oaky finish.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Curiosity Twenty-three

Curiosity Twenty-three, Tree House Brewing Company, Monson, MA
(IPA, Rated 94)
Continuing Tree House's hop exploration with Curiosity Twenty-three using Galaxy and Amarillo. Pours a hazy orange with a thick, white head. Aroma is such a fresh fruit bomb with citrus, mango, pineapple, and apricot. Pungent fruit flavors explode in the mouth. Ripe oranges, mango, and apricot sweetness. Little bit of melon. Medium mouthfeel with a dry finish. Those hops though! Typical Tree House amazingness!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

King Julius

King Julius, Tree House Brewing Company, Monson, MA
(Imperial/Double IPA, Rated 99)
Don't mind the white label, this is King Julius. Not sure if the ink was so fresh it rubbed off during shipping or what. What really matters is what's in the can! If Julius is one of the best IPAs around, his big brother, King Julius, is one of the best IIPAs around.

King Julius pours a cloudy, murky orange that looks like glass of fresh, pulpy, orange juice. Light, pillowy, white head. Pungent citrus aromas, tropical, and a bit dank. The flavor is like a glass of juice, light sweetness, little bit of bitterness, not harsh at all. So smooth, creamy mouthfeel, and super juicy.  Tad dry in the finish. Cannot tell this is 8.3% abv. Fantastic! Tree House continues to kill it!