
Monday, February 29, 2016

Single Shot

Single Shot, Tree House Brewing Company, Monson, MA
(Sweet Stout, Rated 99)
A coffee milk stout, Single Shot pours a deep, dark, brown with a nice, mocha-tan head. Aroma is full of rich coffee and milk, with roasted malts. Tastes accentuates the aroma with lots of cold-brewed coffee, milk, roasted malts, and sweet cocoa. Medium mouthfeel and creamy smooth with 6.4% abv. One of the finest milk stouts I've had! Super delicious!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Ape Snake

Ape Snake, Prairie Artisan Ales, Tulsa, OK
(Saison, Rated 97)
Dark brown, almost black pour, with a tan head. Aroma has a bretted, faint barnyard funk to it. Some dark fruit along with pine and floral hops.  Taste has hops up front muted by a faint tart funkiness. Not much dark fruit in the flavor. Getting a nutty character.  Light in the mouthfeel and a dry finish. Extremely tasty and very drinkable. No way this is 7.9% abv.  Cheers!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Doppelganger, Tree House Brewing Company, Monson, MA
(Imperial IPA, Rated 98)
Doppelganger is Alter Ego's big brother. Side-by-side, they look related too. Doppelganger pours a cloudy, hazy, golden color with a pillowy, white head. Pungent aromas of grapefruit, lemon, pine, and tropical fruits hit the nose. Taste is similar with sweet grapefruit pulp, orange zest, and bit of mango. Juicy, dank, mild bitterness, and a dry finish. Well balanced. Too smooth for 8.2% abv.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Venganza de la Panela

Vengza de la Panela, 51st Ward Beer Company, Westmont, IL
(Imperial Stout, Rated 95)
A little change-up from all of those IPAs and pale ales here. Pours a deep, black in color with no head. Aroma is molasses, carmelized sugar, dark fruits, and chocolate. Mouthfeel is creamy and slick. Taste is sweet, burnt brown sugar, and rich molasses. Nice roast with just a bit of a tart, acidic finish. Not harsh though. The 11% abv certainly warms the throat.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Very Green

Very Green, Tree House Brewing Company, Monson, MA
(Imperial IPA, Rated 99)
Let me introduce you to the big brother of Green. In many ways the same beer, only on steroids, so to speak. The term "imperial" refers to a stronger version of the style that is associated with higher alcohol, more hops, more malt, and more ingredients. Very Green pours that same cloudy, yellow-orange with a creamy, white head. Almost looks like orange juice. Pungent aromas of oranges, grapefruit, mango, pineapple, and tropical notes. Taste is another juice bomb explosion, orange juice, grapefruit zest, tangy mango, and a touch of pineapple sweetness. Slightly bitter and dry finish. Smooth for 8.6% abv. Tree House IPAs are world class!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Curiosity Twenty-four

Curiosity Twenty-four, Tree House Brewing Company, Monson, MA
(American Pale Ale, Rated 92)
Would you look at this beer! Curiosity Twenty-four is brewed with Columbus and Citra hops. Pours a cloudy, orange with a nice, white head. Aromas of herbs, orange peel, lemon zest, tangy papaya, with a grassiness. Aroma is a great prelude to the taste. Flavorful citrus, orange sweetness, mild grapefruit pulp, herbs, and a mild lemony bitterness at the finish. Light mouthfeel with a dry finish. At 5.4%, one of the more poundable offerings. Thank you Tree House for another great beer!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Sap, Tree House Brewing Company, Monson, MA
(American IPA, Rated 99)
This is the newer Sap recipe. Hazy, golden, yellow pour with a light, but frothy, white head. Aroma is very dank and citrusy. Tastes of juicy, tropical fruit, mango, and pineapple. The citrus sweetness gives way to a very subtle, yet sticky, pine resin finish.  On par with those other famous Tree House juice bombs. Fantastic beer!