
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Aún Más Café Jesús

Aún Más Café Jesús, Evil Twin Brewing Company, Brooklyn, NY
(Imperial Stout, Rated 100)
Pitch black pour with a thin, mocha head. Intense aromas of burnt coffee, dark roasted malts, and notes of chocolate. Roasted coffee beans and dark, bittersweet chocolate dominate the flavor. Touch of sweet molasses. Alcohol (12% abv) is present but subdued. Creamy fudge mouthfeel. This is one fine dessert!  My favorite of the three.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Aún Más Chili Jesús

Aún Más Chili Jesús, Evil Twin Brewing, Brooklyn, NY
(Imperial Stout, Rated 99)
Pours a deep black with a mocha-colored head. Aromas of roasted, dark coffee, cacao, toasted malts, and faint green chilies. Taste is chocolaty sweet up front, roasted dark malts, salty soy sauce, and an abundance of chili. Rich, creamy mouthfeel.  Has a very, nice chili burn throughout that lingers after the finish. Like spicy food, pepper beers appeal to different palates. This beer has an incredible amount of flavor that is accentuated by the chili heat. 12% abv.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Aún Más a Jesús

Aún Más a Jesús, Evil Twin Brewing, Brooklyn, NY
(Imperial Stout, Rated 100)
Pours deep black with a thin, mocha head. Bold roasty aromas of coffee, dark malts, dark chocolate, and a definite hint of booze. Flavors are complex, but well blended. Dark chocolate, cocoa, roasted malts, burnt toast, and touches of molasses and vanilla to add a faint sweetness. Full bodied. Rich, creamy mouthfeel. Bitter baker's chocolate finish. 12% abv. This is one fine beer!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Barrel-aged Cider

Barrel-aged Cider, Citizen Cider, Burlington, VT
This is the first cider I've ever written about. Pours a clear, straw-yellow. Pleasant aroma of tart apples and faint bourbon notes. Taste is similar. A nice apple sweetness with subtle bourbon and a nice, moderately juicy finish. Clean, crisp, and refreshing with a 6.9% abv.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Dramanatrixxx (2015)

Dramanatrixxx, Saugatuck Brewing Company, Douglas, MI
(Foreign Stout)
Deep, black pour. Aromas of vanilla, dark roasted coffee, dark malts, and sweet bourbon. Flavors are complex with sweet, dark, baker's chocolate, burnt brown sugar and molasses, some dark fruit, touch of vanilla, and smooth bourbon. So creamy and smooth. Nice bourbon warming at the finish. 10.4% abv. Everything I have had from Saugatuck Brewing has been excellent! Cheers!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Juice Machine

Juice Machine, Tree House Brewing Company, Monson, MA
(Imperial IPA, Rated 100)
This aptly named beer pours a cloudy, almost creamy-like, orange with a nice, thick, white head. Could definitely pass for a glass of fresh OJ. Pungent tropical aromas of mango, papaya, oranges, and grapefruit zest. Those same tropical fruits come through in the flavor beginning with a mango / papaya / orange sweet, juiciness and finishing dry with a little pink grapefruit tartness. Mild hop bitterness. This is a fantastically, crushable double IPA! Be careful of that 8.2% abv though.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Bright, Tree House Brewing Company, Monson, MA
(Imperial IPA, Rated 96)
Slightly hazy, orange pour with a nice, thick, white head. Aromas of apricots, dank citrus juices, and sweet mango. Taste is grapefruit rind, tangerines, apricots, and light pine. Little bready malt character.  Smooth mouthfeel and a mildly bitter finish. 7.8% abv.  This one is a little different than the usual Tree House juice bombs, but equally fantastic!