
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Beer Line Barley Wine (Organic Rye Whiskey Barrel Aged)

Beer Line Barley Wine (Organic Rye Whiskey Barrel Aged), Lakefront Brewery, Milwaukee, WI
(Barley Wine)
Released in 2014, this barley wine pours dark burgundy, black. Sweet aromas of dark fruits, vanilla, oak, toffee, and whiskey. Tastes of candied raisins and dark fruits, vanilla, rye spices, little nuttiness, and rye whiskey. Full body, silky smooth. Boozy throughout, but balanced. Along with My Turn: Chad, this is one of my absolute favorite beers ever produced by Lakefront Brewery! Amazing fresh and still amazing three years later!

Hold on to Sunshine

Hold on to Sunshine, Tree House Brewing Company, Charlton, MA
(Sweet Stout)
Dark mocha brown pour. Aroma of peanut, coffee, and dark chocolate. Taste of sweet chocolate, mild mocha espresso, and some caramel swirl. Peanut butter teases in the background throughout and comes out in the finish. Full bodied and velvety smooth. Definitely one of the better peanut butter stouts I've had! Delicious! 7.6% abv

Somewhere, Something Incredible is Waiting to be Known

Somewhere, Something Incredible is Waiting to be Known, Tree House Brewing Company, Charlton, MA
(Sweet Stout)
Pitch black pour with a thin mocha head. Strong aromas of melted milk chocolate, roasted coffee beans, espresso, and sweet vanilla. Flavor follows with sweet milk chocolate, vanilla cream, and smooth roasted coffee. Full bodied. Smooth, silky mouthfeel. Just a touch of a roasty finish. Excellent!! 7.9% abv


Tweak, Avery Brewing Company, Boulder, CO
(Imperial Stout, Rated 100)
Pitch black pour with a thin mocha head. Aroma is strong with coffee, oak, and booze. Taste of percolated black coffee, roasted malts, dark chocolate and bourbon sweetness. Picking up a little nuttiness too. Chewy viscosity and velvety smooth. Finishes dry with an intense coffee and bourbon warming. Not for the faint of heart at 17.81% abv.


dHOP5, Equilibrium Brewery, Middletown, NY
(Imperial IPA)
I've thoroughly enjoyed everything I've had from Equilibrium so far. If you get a chance, seek them out. Pours a turbid yellow with a frothy, white head. Aromas of lemon, bready malt, herbal. Taste is a citrus blend, orange rinds, juicy, yeasty. Light mouthfeel and a slightly dry finish. 8.0% abv.