
Friday, June 15, 2018

Straight Jacket

Straight Jacket, Revolution Brewing Company, Chicago, IL
(Barley Wine, Rated 99)
This particular bottle was from 2015. Pours deep burgundy. Aromas of fermented dark fruits, molasses, and booze. Tastes of dark fruits, sticky toffee, caramel, vanilla, and bourbon sweetness that warms the throat as it finishes.  Medium bodied with a smooth, creamy mouthfeel. A sipper at 13% abv.

Present Moment

Present Moment, Tree House Brewing Company, Charlton, MA
(American Pale Ale, Rated 98)
Pours a turbid orange with a nice, frothy, white head. Aromas of mango, fruity citrus, and lemongrass. Tastes of fresh oranges, grapefruit zest, mangos, hints of pineapple, with an earthiness. Medium mouthfeel and a finish on the drier side. Super drinkable! 5.4% abv is nice!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Imperanence, Tree House Brewing Company, Charlton, MA
(Imperial Stout, Rated 98)
Imperial milk stout pours a deep, chocolaty brown. Aromas of rich coffee, milk chocolate, and maple. Taste is creamy, milk chocolate, mocha espresso, and cacao all dancing together with lingering maple syrup sweetness. Dense viscosity and rich, silky smooth mouthfeel. 9% abv. Absolutely delightful!

The Jones Dog (12 Year Elijah Craig Barrel Aged)

The Jones Dog, Pipeworks Brewing Company, Chicago, IL
(Imperial Stout, Rated 98)
Imperial Milk Stout aged in 12 year Elijah Craig Bourbon Barrels. Pours pitch black with a thin mocha head. Aromas of melted milk chocolate, vanilla, roasted malts, and sweet bourbon. Decadent flavors of sweet, smooth bourbon, melted fudge, vanilla sweetness, cacao.  Velvety smooth mouthfeel and full-bodied. 13% abv. My all-time favorite Pipeworks beer to date!  Outstanding!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Sexual Fluctuation

Sexual Fluctuation, Equilibrium Brewery, Middletown, NY
(Imperial IPA)
Collaboration with District 96 Beer Factory. Pours a turbid, golden-yellow with a nice, thick, white head. Aromas of citrus, oranges and tangerine pulp, light lemongrass.  Taste has oranges and grapefruit rind. Some tropicals in there like mango and hints of pineapple. Light creamy mouthfeel with an earthy quality. Mild bitterness. Dry finish. Clocks in at 8% abv.

Curiosity 44

Curiosity 44, Tree House Brewing Company, Charlton, MA
Typical hazy yellow-orange pour and fluffy, white head. Aromas of mangos, orange juice, and lemon zest. Similar taste. Mild sweetness to start and finishes dry and juicy.  Does that make sense?  Soft body. 7.9% abv.

Curiosity 43

Curiosity 43, Tree House Brewing Company, Charlton, MA
Hazy yellow pour with a thick white head. Aromas of tropical fruit, grapefruit, and meaty orange pulp. Taste is similar, tropical fruits, grapefruit tartness balanced with orange sweetness, and citrus rinds. Medium bodied. 7.1% abv.

Lights Out

Lights Out, Tree House Brewing Company, Charlton, MA
(American Pale Ale, Rated 97)
Turbid yellow-orange pour. Aroma is fruity with sweet oranges, subtle pine, and a little bready. Tastes of fresh ripe oranges, citrus zest, and a bit pithy. Creamy, light mouthfeel. Dry with a slightly bitter finish. Crush-ably delicious at 5.4% abv.

Friday, February 23, 2018


Catharsis, Tree House Brewing Company, Charlton, MA
Dark brown pour. Aroma of toasted malts, cocoa, and coffee. Tastes of rich roasted coffee, bitter bakers chocolate, and cocoa. Medium mouthfeel. Good carbonation. Roasty with a dry finish. 7.4% abv.

Trail Magic

Trail Magic, Tree House Brewing Company, Charlton, MA
Clear, straw-yellow pour. Aromas of grass, light biscuits, and yeast. Taste is sweet grass, crackers, earthy, little bit of pepper spice. Very light, crisp, and clean. Solid pilsener, an underappreciated style, and admittedly not a style I reach for regularly. 5.2% abv.


Subglitch, Hudson Valley Brewery, Beacon, NY
(Sour/Wild Ale)
Yellow-gold pour with a white, airy, head. Pungent aromas of oranges, grapefruit, and passion fruit. Tastes of tart oranges and grapefruit, passion fruit, soft vanilla and lactose. Light acidity. Juicy and extremely delicious. Really digging these sour juicy IPAs.


Bear, Tree House Brewing Company, Charlton, MA
(Brown Ale, Rated 95)
Pours a dark brown with a light, mocha-colored head. Aromas of caramel, milk chocolate, and coffee. Taste has sweet caramel malts, toffee, mild coffee, and dark chocolate. Has a nutty mix with hints of dark fruits. 6.2% abv.  This is a fantastic brown!


Tornado, Tree House Brewing Company, Charlton, MA
(American Pale Ale, Rated 99)
Hazy orange pour with a thick, white head. Juicy aromas of oranges, mangos, and papayas. Tastes of grapefruit, tropicals, and citrus zest. Touch of muted pine. Dry, earthy, bitter, finish. Easy drinker at 5.6% abv.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Beer Line Barley Wine (Organic Rye Whiskey Barrel Aged)

Beer Line Barley Wine (Organic Rye Whiskey Barrel Aged), Lakefront Brewery, Milwaukee, WI
(Barley Wine)
Released in 2014, this barley wine pours dark burgundy, black. Sweet aromas of dark fruits, vanilla, oak, toffee, and whiskey. Tastes of candied raisins and dark fruits, vanilla, rye spices, little nuttiness, and rye whiskey. Full body, silky smooth. Boozy throughout, but balanced. Along with My Turn: Chad, this is one of my absolute favorite beers ever produced by Lakefront Brewery! Amazing fresh and still amazing three years later!

Hold on to Sunshine

Hold on to Sunshine, Tree House Brewing Company, Charlton, MA
(Sweet Stout)
Dark mocha brown pour. Aroma of peanut, coffee, and dark chocolate. Taste of sweet chocolate, mild mocha espresso, and some caramel swirl. Peanut butter teases in the background throughout and comes out in the finish. Full bodied and velvety smooth. Definitely one of the better peanut butter stouts I've had! Delicious! 7.6% abv

Somewhere, Something Incredible is Waiting to be Known

Somewhere, Something Incredible is Waiting to be Known, Tree House Brewing Company, Charlton, MA
(Sweet Stout)
Pitch black pour with a thin mocha head. Strong aromas of melted milk chocolate, roasted coffee beans, espresso, and sweet vanilla. Flavor follows with sweet milk chocolate, vanilla cream, and smooth roasted coffee. Full bodied. Smooth, silky mouthfeel. Just a touch of a roasty finish. Excellent!! 7.9% abv


Tweak, Avery Brewing Company, Boulder, CO
(Imperial Stout, Rated 100)
Pitch black pour with a thin mocha head. Aroma is strong with coffee, oak, and booze. Taste of percolated black coffee, roasted malts, dark chocolate and bourbon sweetness. Picking up a little nuttiness too. Chewy viscosity and velvety smooth. Finishes dry with an intense coffee and bourbon warming. Not for the faint of heart at 17.81% abv.


dHOP5, Equilibrium Brewery, Middletown, NY
(Imperial IPA)
I've thoroughly enjoyed everything I've had from Equilibrium so far. If you get a chance, seek them out. Pours a turbid yellow with a frothy, white head. Aromas of lemon, bready malt, herbal. Taste is a citrus blend, orange rinds, juicy, yeasty. Light mouthfeel and a slightly dry finish. 8.0% abv.