
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Beers of Sixpoint

Sixpoint has only been in Wisconsin for one year, having been first distributed in March 2012. They have quickly become one of my favorite breweries. Their motto is "Beer is Culture." While many craft breweries make up their own rules when it comes to developing their portfolio, Sixpoint seems to smash rules altogether. Sixpoint's beer recipes are distinct and unique. I also love the characteristic can labels. Let me introduce you to some of the Beers of Sixpoint...

Resin, Sixpoint Brewery, Brooklyn, NY
(Imperial/Double IPA, Rated 97)
This is the beer that started it all for me with Sixpoint. As one who thoroughly enjoys IPAs, especially the imperial variety, this is one fine example. Nice, slightly hazy copper-colored pour. Aroma is of big hops, piney, with a citrus tone. Hop flavor explodes in your mouth. Nice piney, citrus bitterness and a sticky resin feel. Bitterness lingers on your tongue.

This being my first Sixpoint, let me share with you the picture of my #FIRSTSIXPOINT that I submitted to Sixpoint's website...

"Sixpoint's Resin Gives You Wings!" at the Calatrava - Milwaukee Art Museum 

Sweet Action
Sweet Action, Sixpoint Brewery, Brooklyn, NY
(Cream Ale)
Hazy, gold pout with a nice, white frothy head. Aroma has herbs, hops, and a faint sweetness. Taste is a blend of mild hops and malts giving it an earthy quality. Has a very slight carbonation that tingles and then smooths out to a creamy finish.

3 Beans
3Beans, Sixpoint Brewery, Brooklyn, NY
(Imperial/Strong Porter, Rated 97)
Dark brown pour. Strong roasted coffee aroma with chocolate notes and malts. Flavor is rich with coffee and chocolate. Malty with a sweetness. Taste that lingers. Amazing beer!

Bengali Tiger
Bengali Tiger, Sixpoint Brewery, Brooklyn, NY
(IPA, Rated 94)
This IPA pours a hazy, golden, orange. Great aroma of citrus fruits and sweet pine. Taste is a complex mix of citrus hop bitterness, malty caramel sweetness, and floral notes. Flavors explode in your mouth going from bitter to sweet to bitter with a clean finish. Excellent IPA!

The Crisp
The Crisp, Sixpoint Brewery, Brooklyn, NY
(Bohemian Pilsener) 
Hazy, orange pour with a small, white head. Aroma is a little grainy, bread, and some spice. Flavor is grainy, sweet bread, with an herbal bitterness. "The Crisp" is a perfect description of this beer. Probably one of my least favorite styles of beer, but if I'm going to reach for a pilsener, I'm reaching for The Crisp.

Righteous Ale
Righteous Ale, Sixpoint Brewery, Brooklyn, NY
(Specialty Grain, Rated 94)
Dark hazy, brown pour with a nice little off-white head. Aroma of malts, caramel, sweet bread. Tasty is malty with rye, and a nice slight hop tingle that lasts but doesn't overpower. The rye is apparent throughout. Just a touch of sweetness at the finish.

Brownstone, Sixpoint Brewery, Brooklyn, NY
(Brown Ale, Rated 90)
Pours brown with a medium head. Pleasant malty aroma with nuts, sweetness of caramel, and an earthy hop character. Taste is malty, nutty, with a bit of a bitterness at the end. Has a nice fizzy, carbonated finish. Nicely balanced brown ale.

Diesel, Sixpoint Brewery, Brooklyn, NY
(Stout, Rated 92)
I remember sitting down with the WI Sixpoint rep and some others at Sugar Maple last Fall. I had asked him when Sixpoint was going to come out with a stout. He told me that something was in the works. Low and behold, Sixpoint presents Diesel. Its a dark, nearly pitch black pour with a good off-white head. Good roasted aroma of chocolate and malts with a faint hop presence. Taste is roasted coffee up front with some sweet chocolate and a light hop finish. Very smooth! Very drinkable!

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