
Saturday, February 1, 2014


Sixteen, Central Waters Brewing Company, Amherst, WI
(Imperial Stout)
Last weekend, January 25th, some friend and I traveled to Amherst, WI for Central Waters Brewing Company's 16th Anniversary party. They released their anniversary beer, aptly named Sixteen. Each person in attendance was afforded the opportunity to purchase up to an allotment of eight of these 22oz bombers. The party was a blast. Met some great people and had some great, tasty beer. I sampled Sixteen on site, but now I'm sharing with everyone. Well-known for their barrel-aging program, Central Waters aged Sixteen in bourbon barrels for 21 months. This beauty pours a deep, dark, chocolaty brown with a dark mocha head. Fantastic aromas of chocolate, vanilla, molasses, oak, bourbon, and faint burnt notes. Taste is dry, roasted coffee, chocolate, molasses, and great bourbon flavor. Full bodied, roasted and boozy with that bourbon warming your throat. Amazing beer!

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