
Friday, December 19, 2014

Highway 128 The Kimmie, The Yink, and The Holy Gose

Highway 128 The Kimmie, The Yink, and The Holy Gose, Anderson Valley Brewing Company, Boonville, CA
(Grodziskie/Gose/Lichtenhainer, Rated 92)
Gose beers seem to be the new craze in craft beer. They are certainly gaining in popularity. Many of them may be more on the milder side of bitter and, in a way, gateway beers into sours. This one, not so much. This one pours clear gold. Aroma is light tart, lemony, and a little bready malt. The tartness hits right up front. Tangy. Lemony. Salty. Crisp, clean, and balanced.

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