
Monday, March 30, 2015

Pliny the Elder

Pliny the Elder, Russian River Brewing Company, Santa Rosa, CA
(Imperial/Double IPA, Rated 100)
One of the more sought after double IPAs made and one that is on many a beer lover's must-drink list. I was fortunate enough to have a taste of this beer earlier this year. Not only did I drink one, I was lucky enough to take a few home with me, thanks to the graciousness and generosity of a few new friends. Cheers to them! Beautiful pour of clear, orange, with a light, white head. Fantastic aromas of pine, grapefruit, citrus and tropical fruit. Nice hop bite up front followed by a perfect blend of citrus, spicy, fruity, grassy, and piney hops. Amazingly well-balanced and tremendously smooth. There's no way this is a double IPA (8% abv). There's now no wonder why this beer is so highly rated. Cheers!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Grapefruit Sculpin

Grapefruit Sculpin, Ballast Point Brewing Company, San Diego, CA
(IPA, Rated 100)
Ballast Point Brewing has been one of the most talked about, sought after breweries the last few months since they started distributing in Wisconsin. Grapefruit Sculpin just might be one of the beers they are most well known for. With a Rate Beer rating of 100, it obviously lives up to the hype. I'll leave it up to each of you to form your own opinion, providing you can get your hands on one. This beauty pours a clear, orange with a frothy, white head that quickly dissipates. Fantastically gentle aroma of grapefruit, citrus, and juicy fruit bubblegum. Taste is fresh grapefruit and citrus all the way through. No need to pucker up on this one as it is clean, crisp, and smooth. Delicious and thirst quenching, but watch out for the 7% abv. Amazing example of this style!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Dragon's Mile Reserve - Raspberry

Dragon's Milk Reserve - Raspberry, New Holland Brewing Company, Holland, MI
(Imperial Stout, Rated 91)
The original Dragon's Milk is a great beer, but then New Holland produces variants like this one introducing raspberries. Pours dark black with no noticeable head. Aroma is roasted malt, cocoa, with a faint undertone of raspberry. Flavor is sweet, chocolaty, raspberries, and a nice, mild bourbon finish. If served from a chilled bottle or from on tap, let it warm in the glass, as you would with most imperial stouts and barrel aged beers. The flavors of this beer get better as it warms. A delicious treat to the end of my day.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Comfortably Blonde Ale

Comfortably Blonde Ale, Tighthead Brewing Company, Mundelein, IL
(Golden Ale/Blonde Ale)
Straw yellow pour with a thin white head. Pleasant aromas of citrus, pineapple, grains, and light floral hops. Taste is tropical and citrus fruit up front. Bready malts. An earthiness. Very light mouthfeel. Clean, crisp and refreshing. Delicious blonde ale!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Peeper Ale

Peeper Ale, Maine Beer Company, Freeport, ME
(American Pale Ale, Rated 98)
Another fine brew from Maine Beer. I've been really impressed with everything I've had from them. This beauty pours a light, sunny, clear, yellow with a nice, white head. Reminding me of the Spring weather we are having. The hop aroma is inviting and subtle. Notes of malt and grass. Taste is grainy, citrus, lemony, and a little peppery. Very clean and refreshing!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hop Henge IPA

Hop Henge IPA, Deschutes Brewery, Bend, OR
(IPA, Rated 99)
Cloudy gold our with a little, finger-width head. Aromas of sweet malts, candied oranges, mangos, and a little pine. Taste is malt forward, sticky pine resin, tropical fruits, and floral hops. Nicely balanced. 7% abv.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Citra Ass Down

Citra Ass Down, Against the Grain Brewery, Louisville, KY
(Imperial/Double IPA, Rated 97)
When an IPA fan gets a hold of this bottle, he does just as it suggests. Golden yellow pour. Amazing aromas of pungent Citra, tropical fruit, loads of citrus. with a little grassy note. Taste is very hop forward and loaded with flavor. Not overpowering like some IIPA can be. The taste is gently well-balanced, with floral, nectar, mango juice, and pronounced grapefruit.  Finish is smooth...too smooth. Brings it with an 8.2% abv.  Ranks up there with some of my favorites. Fantastic!