
Monday, March 30, 2015

Pliny the Elder

Pliny the Elder, Russian River Brewing Company, Santa Rosa, CA
(Imperial/Double IPA, Rated 100)
One of the more sought after double IPAs made and one that is on many a beer lover's must-drink list. I was fortunate enough to have a taste of this beer earlier this year. Not only did I drink one, I was lucky enough to take a few home with me, thanks to the graciousness and generosity of a few new friends. Cheers to them! Beautiful pour of clear, orange, with a light, white head. Fantastic aromas of pine, grapefruit, citrus and tropical fruit. Nice hop bite up front followed by a perfect blend of citrus, spicy, fruity, grassy, and piney hops. Amazingly well-balanced and tremendously smooth. There's no way this is a double IPA (8% abv). There's now no wonder why this beer is so highly rated. Cheers!

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