
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Indra Kunindra

Indra Kunindra, Ballast Point Brewing Company, San Diego, CA
(Spice/Herb/Vegetable, Rated 95)
I'll be honest here. I didn't even read the entire label on this beer until just before opening it. I assumed "India-style export stout" might be a hopped up stout. I was wrong...very wrong. Just before opening, I read the description at the bottom of the label, in very small print, which read "Stout with Madras Curry, Cumin, Cayenne, Coconut & Kaffir Lime." I remember thinking this was going to be one very interesting beer. I found out as soon as I opened it and was hit with a waft a curry, a very distinct aroma. Pours a deep, dark brown with a mocha-colored head. Curry and other Indian spices overtake the nose. Flavors other than curry did come out in the taste. The cayenne pepper gave off a little heat. Toasted malts and coconut sweetness with a little hint of the lime toward the end. Finishes with a tangy spice.  One of the most intriguing beers I've had in a while.

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