
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Triple-Goddess Raspberry Kombucha Beer

Triple-Goddess Raspberry Kombucha Beer, Unity Vibration Living Kombucha Tea LLC, Ypsilanti, MI
(Sour Ale/Wild Ale)
The bottle reads, "The ancient art of Kombucha brewing is thousands of years old. United Vibration has combined this age-old tradition with a uniquely American brewing process and tasting experience. A sour and distinctive gluten-free beer that is full of character and flavor." When this one hit my glass, I seriously thought it was Kool-Aid. Pours a pinkish-red with no head. Aroma was vinegar, nail polish, maybe a touch of raspberry. Taste is raspberry tart bitterness up front. Definitely vinegar-like. Slowly adds a mellow sweetness. Finishes tart. One of those beers that I'm not 100% sure I like, but I certainly can't stop drinking it.

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