
Saturday, December 7, 2013

4 Elf Winter Warmer Ale

4 Elf Winter Warmer Ale, Dark Horse Brewing Company, Marshall, MI
(Spice/Herb/Vegetable, Rated 94)
With Christmas fast approaching and temperatures in the singe digits here in Wisconsin, it's a perfect time for Winter seasonals. Like pumpkin and Fall beers, Winter seasonals are brewed with rich malty flavors, spices, and usually enough alcohol to warm you up. This spice/herb/vegetable ale pours a hazy, dark, burgundy with no head and no lacing. Aroma is full of spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cocoa. Those same spices come through in the taste along with dark fruit and roasted malts. Creamy and smooth with a subtle finish. Cheers!

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