
Monday, December 16, 2013

Old Foghorn Ale

Old Foghorn Ale, Anchor Brewing Company, San Francisco, CA
(Barley wine, Rated 99)
Barley wines are one of my favorite styles of beer. I mentioned Old Foghorn in my themed-blog post 12 Barley Wines back in February 2013. I don't think I could find it at the time I wrote that. Said to be the first barley wine brewed in the United States, this is a great beer. Pours a nice, burgundy-brown color with little head. The aroma and the taste is boozy, as are most barley wines. Aromas of dark fruits, caramel, and malts. Smooth mouthfeel. Dark fruit sweetness up front followed by a subtle malty bitterness. A nice warm, boozy finish.

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