
Monday, December 30, 2013

Zombie Dust

Zombie Dust, Three Floyds Brewing Company, Munster, IN
(American Pale Ale, Rated 100)
The first time I had Zombie Dust, it was when one of the brewers from Three Floyds came to one of my favorite Milwaukee bars, Sugar Maple, for a tasting. This is my first time having this beauty from the bottle. A hazy, golden, orange pour with an aroma that is all hops. Spicy citrus and pine though the nose. Taste is very hop forward. Grapefruit, orange peel, resin with a subtly-sweet, malt finish. Smooth mouthfeel and fantastically well balanced. One of the best American Pale Ale's I have had and from one of my favorite breweries!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Global Warmer

Global Warmer, Sixpoint Brewery, Brooklyn, NY
(Imperial/Double Red Ale, Rated 94)
Another fantastic beer from Sixpoint! This one pours a hazy amber color with a creamy white head. Huge hop aromas of pine and citrus with a bit of sweet malt. The hop flavor explodes in your mouth. Pine, citrus, and a malty finish. Has an earthy quality and nice carbonation. The bitterness lasts.Easy drinker for sure. Delicious!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Old Foghorn Ale

Old Foghorn Ale, Anchor Brewing Company, San Francisco, CA
(Barley wine, Rated 99)
Barley wines are one of my favorite styles of beer. I mentioned Old Foghorn in my themed-blog post 12 Barley Wines back in February 2013. I don't think I could find it at the time I wrote that. Said to be the first barley wine brewed in the United States, this is a great beer. Pours a nice, burgundy-brown color with little head. The aroma and the taste is boozy, as are most barley wines. Aromas of dark fruits, caramel, and malts. Smooth mouthfeel. Dark fruit sweetness up front followed by a subtle malty bitterness. A nice warm, boozy finish.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

4 Elf Winter Warmer Ale

4 Elf Winter Warmer Ale, Dark Horse Brewing Company, Marshall, MI
(Spice/Herb/Vegetable, Rated 94)
With Christmas fast approaching and temperatures in the singe digits here in Wisconsin, it's a perfect time for Winter seasonals. Like pumpkin and Fall beers, Winter seasonals are brewed with rich malty flavors, spices, and usually enough alcohol to warm you up. This spice/herb/vegetable ale pours a hazy, dark, burgundy with no head and no lacing. Aroma is full of spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cocoa. Those same spices come through in the taste along with dark fruit and roasted malts. Creamy and smooth with a subtle finish. Cheers!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

St. Thomas Belgian Abbey

St. Thomas Belgian Abbey, Potosi Brewing Company, Potosi, WI
(Abbey Dubbel)
Potosi is one of my favorite breweries in Wisconsin. They make some great beer and the two and a half hour drive to the brewery is well worth the trip. This abbey dubbel pours a dark ruby-brown with a thin head. In true Belgian-style, the aroma is sweet, dark fruit, and a little yeasty. Taste is malty, caramel sweetness, dark fruit..raisin, plum...and that traditional banana brought by the Belgian yeast. At 7.5% abv, this is no slouch. Not the best abbey dubbel I've had, but a pleasant drinker.