
Monday, April 27, 2015

Dwarf Invasion

Dwarf Invasion, B. Nektar Meadery, Ferndale, MI
(Mead, Rated 96)
This one's a mead, brewed with honey, water, and often other fruits. They can range from sweet to bitterly sour. This great specimen is all cherries. Pours a ruby red. Aroma is sweet honey, floral, and cherries. Flavor is dominated by juicy, tart, dark cherries with subtle honey sweetness. Amazing flavor!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Milk & Cookies

Milk & Cookies, Ten Ninety Brewing Company, Zion, IL
(Sweet Stout)
Decided on this for dessert tonight. Dark, dark brown pour with a thick, mocha-colored head. Aroma is sweet chocolate, ginger, nutmeg, and cinnamon. Taste is chocolate and ginger up front followed by gentle releases of other spices. Not overly spiced though. Smooth and creamy and rich. Finishes dry.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Baird / Ishii / Stone Japanese Green Tea IPA 10.1% (2015)

Baird / Ishii / Stone Japanese Green Tea IPA, Stone Brewing Company, Escondido, CA
(Imperial/Double IPA, Rated 97)
Hazy, golden, orange pour with a little, white head. Pleasant aromas of citrus, orange, grapefruit, and green tea. Little spice to the nose. Taste is sweet up front with orange zest and grapefruit with a honey-like smoothness. Hop bitterness is mild for a double IPA. Finishes dry. Not my favorite tee-infused IPA, but this is a great beer.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Coronado/Devil's Backbone Devil's Tale

Coronado/Devil's Backbone Devil's Tale, Coronado Brewing Company, Coronado, CA
(IPA, Rated 96)
Hazy, gold pour. Aromas of pine, grapefruit, and tropical notes. Taste is strong citrus to start. Tropical fruits, pine resin. Very juicy. Nice hop punch with a dry finish.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Habanero Sculpin

Habanero Sculpin, Ballast Point Brewing Company, San Diego, CA
(Spice/Herb/Vegetable, Rated 89) 
Ever since I had my first beer brewed with peppers, I was a fan. I'm just amazed at how "foodie" beer has become. Pours a clear orange with a very thin head. First waft past the nose and the pepper aroma is apparent. Not so much that it burns the hair in your nose, but just enough to let you know its in there. Mild grapefruit citrus in there as well. Taste starts with a nice grapefruit sweetness that gives way to a developing, lingering habanero pepper burn that stays through to a dry finish. Delicious!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Triple-Goddess Raspberry Kombucha Beer

Triple-Goddess Raspberry Kombucha Beer, Unity Vibration Living Kombucha Tea LLC, Ypsilanti, MI
(Sour Ale/Wild Ale)
The bottle reads, "The ancient art of Kombucha brewing is thousands of years old. United Vibration has combined this age-old tradition with a uniquely American brewing process and tasting experience. A sour and distinctive gluten-free beer that is full of character and flavor." When this one hit my glass, I seriously thought it was Kool-Aid. Pours a pinkish-red with no head. Aroma was vinegar, nail polish, maybe a touch of raspberry. Taste is raspberry tart bitterness up front. Definitely vinegar-like. Slowly adds a mellow sweetness. Finishes tart. One of those beers that I'm not 100% sure I like, but I certainly can't stop drinking it.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Terrapin Side Project Pineapple Express Smoked Pineapple Helles

Terrapin Side Project Pineapple Express Smoked Pineapple Helles, Terrapin Beer Company, Athens, GA
(Fruit Beer/Radler, Rated 80)
This beer was a winner at Terrapin's first annual Employee Homebrew Challenge. It's a winner here too. Hazy, golden-yellow pour with a gushing, light, white head that seemed to go on forever. Took a while to settle down. Nice, simple aromas of pineapple, lemons, light malt, and grass. The taste is fantastic with a pineapple sweetness that is just slightly subdued by a smooth, smoky finish. Not overly fruity and not overly smoky. A refreshing beer.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Indra Kunindra

Indra Kunindra, Ballast Point Brewing Company, San Diego, CA
(Spice/Herb/Vegetable, Rated 95)
I'll be honest here. I didn't even read the entire label on this beer until just before opening it. I assumed "India-style export stout" might be a hopped up stout. I was wrong...very wrong. Just before opening, I read the description at the bottom of the label, in very small print, which read "Stout with Madras Curry, Cumin, Cayenne, Coconut & Kaffir Lime." I remember thinking this was going to be one very interesting beer. I found out as soon as I opened it and was hit with a waft a curry, a very distinct aroma. Pours a deep, dark brown with a mocha-colored head. Curry and other Indian spices overtake the nose. Flavors other than curry did come out in the taste. The cayenne pepper gave off a little heat. Toasted malts and coconut sweetness with a little hint of the lime toward the end. Finishes with a tangy spice.  One of the most intriguing beers I've had in a while.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Fathom India Pale Lager

Fathom IPL, Ballast Point Brewing Company, San Diego, CA
(Strong Pale Lager/Imperial Pils, Rated 96)
Clear golden pour with a little white head. Aroma of grainy malts. lemon zest, grapefruit, and pine. Tastes is malty sweet with bitter resin and a touch of honey. Has a mild earthiness. Great balanced combination of lager and IPA. Finishes light and smooth.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Blind Pig IPA

Blind Pig IPA, Russian River Brewing Company, Santa Rosa, CA
(IPA, Rated 100)
Here's another fantastic beer from Russian River Brewing and one some like better than Pliny the Elder. Nice clear, golden-yellow pour with a frothy, white head. Pungent aromas of pine, citrus, and tropical fruit. Bit of a maltiness as well. Flavors of mango, peaches, citrus tinge, and pine with a tropical sweetness. Extremely well-balanced and full bodied. Dry finish. Eminently drinkable. I'm not sure I like this one better than Pliny, but it's damn good!